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       Is the Employer Happy or the Employee?

       The results of the “Work Life Analysis and  These health topics include medical
       Well-Being  Needs  Survey,”  conducted  information  (63.2%),  back-neck-spine
       through the AVITA Employee Assistance  pains (63.2%), psychology (61.9%), and
       Program  in  collaboration  with  ZENNA  healthy eating and diet (61.2%).
       Danışmanlık,  with  the  participation  of  63.2%  of  the  research  participants
       1,210 white-collar and blue-collar workers  express  a  need  for  medical  information.
       representing Turkey, have been released.  73.4% of employees report experiencing
       The findings of the study, which focuses  back, neck, and spine pains during
       on the working life in Turkey, indicate  the  day.  When  asked  if  they  have  ever
       areas that need improvement concerning  visited a psychologist online or in person,
       the  needs  and  happiness  of  employees.  54.1%  of  participants  indicate  having
       Additionally, this research provides  had an experience with a psychologist
       valuable insights to business leaders and  or  are  currently  undergoing  therapy.
       human resources professionals, enabling  Among the 46% who have never visited
       them to better manage the well-being of  a  psychologist,  33.5%  express  a  desire
       their employees.                     for support but cite financial constraints
                                            or difficulty in obtaining permission
       Employee Perspective on Productivity  from their workplace as reasons for not
       According to the Work Life Analysis and  seeking help. When looking at the process   assistance services in at least one area,
       Well-Being Needs Survey, considering that  of employees accessing information; it   while employees benefit from these
       employees spend an average of 8.4 hours  is observed that employees who require   services at a rate of 64.9%. Three main
       at work each day, examinations targeting  comprehensive information spend an   benefits  stand  out  in  the  perception  of
       different groups reveal interesting results.  average  of  67  minutes  per  day  during   companies that provide this program to
       Especially in workplaces with the highest  working hours. The research also indicates   their employees:
       social status, university graduates, and  that the average time to access the correct   •  Employees  participating  in employee
       small-scale enterprises, employees tend  source  for  this  group  is  4  days.  In  the   assistance programs exhibit high levels of
       to work fewer hours, while those in the  past year, the most needed information   motivation.
       finance sector, Generation Z, and middle  topics, especially in Medical Information,   • Employee assistance programs instill
       social  status  tend  to  work  more  hours.  Psychology, and Financial Information,   a more hopeful outlook on the future in
       This indicates that employee productivity  also parallel these findings.   individuals.
       can vary depending on demographic  When researching the non-work-related   • Employee assistance programs increase
       factors and sectors.                 activities that employees engage in   the sense of belonging to the company.
       There is a division regarding which hours  during office hours, it is observed that
       are considered less productive:      the most time-consuming activities   In his statement regarding the report,
       •  64%  of  respondents  emphasize  that  include preparing hot beverages, using   Hikmet Nakilcioğlu, the CMO of Remed
       mornings are more productive.        social media, messaging, engaging in   Assistance, states, “As we all know, the
       • 38.8% believe that afternoons are less  non-work-related  conversations  and  well-being of employees significantly
       productive.                          phone  calls,  and  reading  news  websites.   impacts the sustainable success of
       • When looking at employees’ perceptions  Looking at the average time employees   organizations  as  an  indispensable  part
       of their productivity, almost two out of  spend on non-work-related activities, a   of  work  life.  While  many  of  us  aspire
       every  three  individuals  believe  they  are  significant loss of 3 hours (177 minutes)   to progress towards the same goal
       more productive in the morning.      per  day  is  notable.  Among  these,  the   with happy employees in a happy work
       • Especially the time frame between  most time-consuming activities are social   environment,  organizations  have  a
       10:00  AM  and  12:00  PM  is  noted  to  media  usage  (26  minutes),  non-work-  significant responsibility in achieving this:
       have the highest productivity rate during  related  conversations  (21  minutes),  and   understanding  the  needs  of  employees.
       working hours.                       messaging (19 minutes). In the business   The well-being of employees not only
                                            world, competition is measured not only   contributes to their own health but also
       Workplace Well-Being Needs           by product and service quality but also   plays a critical role in overall workplace
       The Work Life Analysis and Well-Being  by  employee  satisfaction.  Nowadays,   productivity.  The  concept  of  ‘Happy
       Needs survey indicates that health-  many companies prefer to offer employee   Employees, Happy Companies’ elevates
       related issues hold significant importance  assistance programs to stand out in this   the  company’s  success  trajectory  by
       among employees’ personal priorities,  competitive environment and attract high-  emphasizing the well-being of employees.
       and they feel a constant need for  quality  employees.  Employee  assistance   Therefore,  investments  in well-being  are
       acquiring knowledge in this area. Among  programs represent a significant step   not only crucial for individual success
       participants indicating their occasional  towards creating a highly motivated and   but  also  for  success  in  the  workplace.
       or constant need, health-related topics  productive work environment by increasing   Employee assistance programs stand
       emerge as prominent, with over 60% on  employee satisfaction and strengthening   out as one of the primary investments in
       average.                             company culture.  According to research   employee well-being.”
                                            findings,  76.5%  of  companies  provide
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