Page 13 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 13


     of the region, and they operated until October 31, 2023, in Malat-  Did the Mandatory Earthquake Insurance policies increase
     ya, İskenderun, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa, Adıyaman, Hatay, Gaziantep,  after the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes?
     Elazığ, and Kahramanmaraş.  Within a short period of 4 months  The painful experiences after the earthquake influenced the in-
     since the earthquake, we had completed the damage payments for  clination to be insured, leading to an increase in insurance rates.
     all residences with complete damage documents and those that had   When looking at the number of policies in force, there is approx-
     been  officially  assessed  by  the  Ministry  of  Environment,  Urbani-  imately a 1% increase in total insurance rates both in Istanbul
     zation, and Climate Change among the notifications we received.   and  the  Marmara  region  after  the  earthquake.  In  daily  policy
     Our efforts regarding the damage notifications continued, and as   production, there was a 55% increase nationwide. This increase
     of January, we had processed approximately 600,000 damage no-  demonstrates the need for our citizens to have Mandatory Earth-
     tifications received, with total compensation payments reaching 35   quake Insurance and their trust in the institution.
     billion TL.
                                                              However, after the earthquake, this upward trend, like after
     Could you briefly mention the new initiatives implemented   every earthquake, returns to its normal course. Our institution's
     during this process?                                     goal is to ensure all eligible residences are covered by Mandatory
     Since the first day of the earthquake, our priority as an institution   Earthquake Insurance without experiencing any painful experi-
     has been to ensure that policyholders receive compensation as soon   ences. Since its establishment, DASK, which is responsible for
     as possible. In this context, we have implemented many new initia-  the acquisition, implementation, and management of Mandatory
     tives on behalf of DASK. Firstly, as a first for DASK, on February   Earthquake Insurance activities, aiming to create an earthquake
     27, 2023, we initiated an advance payment scheme to provide fi-  coverage pool for our country and ensure all citizens are finan-
     nancial support to our citizens from the moment of notification of   cially protected, has reached approximately 12 million Manda-
     damage until the completion of the damage assessment process. We   tory Earthquake Insurance policies nationwide over the past 24
     provided an advance payment of 20% of the insurance amount for
     collapsed, urgently collapsed, and heavily damaged buildings, and   years.
     10% of the insurance amount for moderately damaged buildings.
     Since the first day of the earthquake, our priority as an institution   The efforts to add coverage for perils other than earthquakes
     has been to ensure that policyholders receive their compensation   to DASK, where they stand at the moment? Can you provide
     as soon as possible. In addition, we initiated a new program for   information on when the new coverage will be implemented?
     lightly damaged residences, which constitute approximately 80% of   As DASK, we are currently providing financial protection to
     the notifications we receive. Handling the majority of these lightly   homeowners insured against earthquakes and earthquake-relat-
     damaged files manually would have taken years to complete due to   ed damages through Mandatory Earthquake Insurance. In recent
     the sheer volume. Therefore, we have implemented a new process   years, witnessing increasingly frequent and intense natural dis-
     where 15% of the insurance amount is directly paid to policyholders   asters, we have recognized our responsibility to undergo a sig-
     without applying any deductible. Policyholders who receive 15% of  nificant transformation within DASK's structure. As a result, we
     the insurance amount have the option to request a reassessment of  are nearing completion of our efforts to include all other types of
     their property by sending an appraiser if they wish. Another issue  natural disasters, particularly floods, within DASK's scope. We
     we addressed was the payments for policyholders with mortgaged  aim to finalize our efforts to transform Mandatory Earthquake
     properties. Through collaboration with the Banks Association, we  Insurance into Mandatory Disaster Insurance by July 2024. This
     streamlined the process for mortgaged properties, allowing direct  way, we will provide coverage to our citizens for all types of nat-
     payments to policyholders for damages up to 50,000 TL without  ural disasters through a single policy.
     requiring individual consent forms. Also, during the process, we en-
     countered situations where the contact information in the policies  In the  previous period,  DASK coverage  amounts  were  in-
     was incorrect. It was found that payments could not be collected be-  creased.  What  should  individuals  who  have  not  yet  per-
     cause the necessary payment codes did not reach our policyholders.  formed this process do?
     To address this issue, a project was developed in coordination with  As  of  January  1,  2024,  the  Mandatory  Earthquake  Insurance
     the Presidency Digital Transformation Office using e-Government  Tariff has been updated. With the changes made: The unit price
     authorities. As an additional service alongside the "DASK Damage   per square meter, which is the basis for the insurance amount for
     / Payment Inquiry" section on the e-Government platform, a new   reinforced concrete buildings, has been increased from 3,016 TL
     service called "DASK Payment Code Service" has been added. This   to 6,000 TL. The maximum coverage amount for a single dwell-
     allows our policyholders to access their payment codes through   ing, previously 640,000 TL, has been raised to 1,272,000 TL.
     e-Government. Furthermore, to inform our policyholders about this   Additionally, for the first time in DASK's history, inflation pro-
     matter, weekly SMS messages are sent through both e-Government   tection has been introduced to the coverage of new policies issued
     and mobile network operators.                            after January 1, 2024. In summary, for all policies with a start
                                                              date of January 1, 2024, and beyond, coverage will be calculated
     Could you please elaborate on what you experienced in the   based on current values, and at the same time, coverage will be
     field after the earthquake?                              under inflation protection; it will be updated every month without
     We visited the earthquake-affected provinces every week and estab-  any additional premium payment, based on the determined infla-
     lished direct contact with our policyholders. Our aim here was to   tion rate.  For all policyholders with a policy start date before
     maintain constant communication. The most fundamental and val-  January 1, 2024, to update their coverage and benefit from in-
     uable thing for us was to assure our citizens that we were by their   flation protection, they should contact insurance agents or insur-
     side, not only in terms of compensating them but also in letting them   ance companies; complete endorsement transactions by making
     know that they could always reach out to us. We are still in direct   additional premium payments. In 2024, we invite all citizens to
     communication with all citizens. We provide support for our citizens   secure their homes under DASK coverage, renew their policies,
     to reach out to me and all our team members via our mobile phones.   and update their coverage for stronger financial security.
     Maintaining this communication is extremely valuable.
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