Page 3 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
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Dear Readers,

        For the March issue of Turkinsurance, we have prepared an  In the statistics of DASK, which was established after the
        issue full of news, articles, analyses and researches to shed  1999  Gölcük  Earthquake,  which  caused  the  destruction  or
        light on Turkish insurance and pension markets.      damage of more than 100 thousand buildings in Turkey, in
                                                             March 2024, it was shared that there are a total of 20 mil-
        Global human resources and management consulting firm  lion 32 thousand houses in Turkey and the number of insured
        Mercer announced the results of the 2024 Global Talent  houses has reached 11 million 508 thousand 562.
        Trends Survey. According to the survey results, nearly half
        of the employees express their desire to work for a company  In 2023, the largest increase in the Individual Pension Sys-
        they can be proud of, and some companies are prioritizing  tem was seen in Metlife Pension and Life with 234,676 par-
        sustainability efforts and focusing on ‘Good Work’ principles  ticipants, while the company with the highest increase in the
        by taking steps in this direction.                   number of participants included in the system through au-
                                                             tomatic enrollment was HDI Fiba Pension and Life with an
        In the last quarter of the year, the total premium production  increase of 347,293 people. The total fund amount of the top
        in the insurance sector increased by 106.78% compared to  5 companies in BES accounted for 84.7% of the total fund
        the same period of the previous year, reaching 485 billion  amount, while the total fund amount of the top 5 companies
        920 million TL. During this period, the highest increase in  in OKS accounted for 91.76% of the total fund amount.
        premium production occurred in the fire and natural disas-
        ters branch, while liability insurances and vehicle insurances  Hope to meet with the next issue
        constituted the branches with the highest increase.
                                                             Your sincerely
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