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       Visit to TARSİM by Türk Reasürans and Swiss Re

       On March 1st, Türk Reasürans Deputy General Manager
       Çağrı  ÇULHA  and  his  delegation,  along  with  Esther
       Baur  REİNECKE,  the  Public  Solutions  Team  Europe
       President of Swiss Re, visited TARSİM.

       During the visit, Bekir ENGÜRÜLÜ, a Member of the
       Board of Directors at TARSİM and the General Manager
       of the Agricultural Insurance Pool Operations, along with
       Deputy  General  Managers  Tufan  ÖZEL  and  Ertuğrul
       ÇELİK, provided information about the innovations and
       recent developments in the State-Supported Agricultural
       Insurance  System,  as  well  as  TARSİM’s  goals.  They
       expressed hopes for the continuation of collaborative
       efforts in the longstanding partnership.

        MetLife Turkey is the sector leader in broker premium production for the
        life insurance policies taken out by companies for their employees in 2023

                                         plans, and automatic enrollment  retirement and life companies in
                                         products to its customers in the  total  broker  premium  production
                                         least amount of time possible,  with a 28% share in life insurance.
                                         provides  group  pension  or  group  In this prideful landscape, our
                                         insurance services to over 600,000  strong technological infrastructure,
                                         employees   of   approximately  formed alongside the successful
                                         10,000 companies in our country.  completion  of  our   digital
                                         Among these corporate clients,   transformation process, plays a
                                         approximately 1,100 firms secure  significant role in alleviating the
                                         group  life  or  group  personal  burden  on  our  customers.  At  the
                                         accident insurance coverage from  same time, our speed and value-
                                         MetLife Turkey for over 220,000  added service approach contribute
                                         employees.                      greatly.”

                                         Deniz Yurtseven, General Manager  Employees of corporate clients
                                         of MetLife Emeklilik ve Hayat,  served by MetLife Turkey can
                                         emphasized   their   successful  benefit  from  many  services  24/7
         MetLife  Emeklilik  ve  Hayat   performance   in   group   life  through  the  “MetLife  Cepte”
         (“MetLife  Turkey”),  operating   insurance provided as an employee  mobile  application.  Through  the
         in  individual  accident,  life,  benefit:  “Among  the  corporate  “MetLife   Cepte”   application,
         complementary health insurance,   clients of MetLife Turkey, there  they can access their insurance
         and individual pension fields in   are many leading international and  policies and track their savings in
         Turkey, ranks as the leader in life   local companies operating in their  retirement plans.
         insurance total premium production   respective sectors in Turkey. With
         for corporate customers with a   our employee benefits products, we  Additionally,  “MetLife  Benimle,”
         28%  share  through  the  broker   provide services to our corporate  now in its 3rd year, aims to
         channel according to the year-  clients  through  insurance  brokers,  make the daily lives of MetLife
         end 2023 data of the Insurance   banking  partnerships,  or  directly.  customers  more  enjoyable  by
         Association of Turkey.          The services we offer to institutions  providing opportunities that make
                                         as  MetLife  Turkey  constitute  a difference from shopping to
         MetLife Turkey, offering all pre-  approximately  15%  of  our  total  entertainment, travel to dining with
         sales and after-sales services for   premium production, and according  new campaigns added every month,
         group life insurance, group personal   to  the  year-end  2023  data  of  and employees of MetLife Turkey’s
         accident  insurance,  group  pension   the Insurance Association of  corporate clients can also benefit
                                         Turkey, we are the leaders among  from these opportunities.
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