Page 10 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 10

10 at a glance

                 HDI Sigorta opened the Rapid Support Station under the South Anatolia and
                 Eastern Regional Directorate

                 HDI  Sigorta  held  its  12th  meeting  the  accident.  Therefore,  managing
                 with the motto “We Are Together  this process seamlessly in insurance
                 Yesterday,  Today  and  Tomorrow”  and satisfying customers is crucial.
                 on  February  26th  at  the  South  Thanks to our stations, we provide
                 Anatolia  and  Eastern  Regional  convenience to our customers in
                 Directorate in Adana, with the  these processes.”
                 participation of over 300 agencies
                 operating under the South Anatolia  Offers convenience to its custom-
                 and  Eastern  Regional  Directorate.  ers
                 Following the evaluation of the year
                 2023 and the presentation of the  HDI Sigorta provides uninterrupted
                 new period’s strategy and roadmap,  support  to  its  policyholders
                 the opening ceremony of the Rapid   throughout all processes conducted
                 Support Station, located within  during  and  after  accidents  through
                 the HDI Sigorta South Anatolia  its  Rapid  Support  Stations.  In
                 and  Eastern  Regional  Directorate  addition to its stations located in
                 building, took place.            Istanbul’s Anatolian and European   checkup, and the preservation of
                                                  sides, HDI Sigorta expanded its   no-claim bonus in the first accident,
                 HDI Sigorta, making a difference in  operations by launching stations in   provided that they have their vehicle
                 the industry with special services and  Antalya, Bursa, Izmir, and Ankara in   repaired at Rapid Support Services.
                 privileges for its business partners,  2022. With the newly opened station
                 gathered with over 300 agents  affiliated  with  the  South  Anatolia   HDI Sigorta continues to meet
                 operating under the South Anatolia  and  Eastern  Region  Directorate,   with agencies
                 and Eastern Regional Directorate in  the total number of stations has
                 Adana as part of its meetings held  now  reached  7.  Speaking  about   The first visits of 2024 began
                 in 15 provinces with the motto “We  the  stations,  Necmettin  Gündoğdu,   with the cities most affected by
                 Are Together Yesterday, Today and  Deputy General Manager in charge   the earthquakes centered around
                 Tomorrow.” Following the meeting,  of  Claims  and  Customer  Relations   February   6,   including   Hatay,
                 the opening ceremony of the Rapid  at HDI Sigorta, stated, “With   Kahramanmaraş,  Adıyaman,  and
                 Support Station, located within  the station we opened at the HDI   Malatya.  Led  by  HDI  Sigorta
                 the South Anatolia and Eastern  Sigorta South Anatolia and Eastern   General  Manager  Firuzan  İşcan,
                 Regional  Directorate  building,  was  Region  Directorate  in  Adana,   the  HDI  Sigorta  top  management
                 conducted.  The  opening  ceremony  we  have  now  reached  7  stations   team gathered with their agents at
                 was attended by HDI Sigorta CEO  nationwide.  With  our  new  station,   the Southern Anatolia and Eastern
                 Firuzan İşcan, HDI Sigorta Deputy  we will provide uninterrupted   Region  Directorate  in  Adana,
                 CEO  Responsible  for  Claims  and  service to our customers through a   delivering a message of solidarity
                 Customer   Relations   Necmettin  total of 56 Rapid Support Services   during the meeting. In this meeting,
                 Gündoğdu, and HDI Sigorta Deputy  affiliated with 57 cities, and a total   which brought together all agents
                 CEO  Responsible  for  Sales  Halil  of  181  Rapid  Support  Services   without any specific segmentation
                 Bay.    HDI  Sigorta  CEO  Firuzan  simultaneously. We will continue to   or success criteria, the HDI Sigorta
                 İşcan  commented  on  the  Rapid  increase the number of our stations   top management team shared their
                 Support Station, saying, “At HDI  to provide uninterrupted service   evaluations of 2023 and discussed
                 Sigorta,  we  provide  our  customers  to  our  customers.  Additionally,   the  goals  for  2024  through
                 with flawless service throughout  at our station serving under the   presentations.  The  HDI  Sigorta
                 all  processes  conducted  during  and  South Anatolia and Eastern Region   team had the opportunity to observe
                 after  accidents  through  our  Rapid  Directorate, we will also offer our   the industry’s trends and pulse on a
                 Support Stations, offering repair  product, HDS Kasko, which we have   regional basis in Adana, while also
                 guarantees.  Various  stages  such  been offering exclusively to stations   listening to the needs, expectations,
                 as reporting the damage after the  and services for many years.” Under   requests, and feedback of their
                 accident, assessing the damage,  HDS Kasko, HDI Sigorta customers   partners, keeping their companions
                 covering the financial burden  can benefit from many advantages,   on the road in mind. Following the
                 resulting from the damage, and  including valet service, original   meeting, plaques were awarded to
                 repairing the damage on vehicles  spare parts, 2-year warranty,   successful agents in the regional
                 are quite distressing and need to  unlimited  replacement  vehicle  premium production and regional
                 be handled flawlessly at the time of   during the damage period, free   profitability categories based on the
                                                                                   results of 2023.
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