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        SEDDK: Transition to inflation accounting will be implemented on January 1, 2025

        The  Insurance  and  Private  Pension  Regulation  and  of  Financial  Statements
        Supervision Agency (SEDDK) has announced through a    of   Companies    Subject
        Directive on Inflation Accounting in the Insurance Sector  to  Independent Audit  to
        that the implementation date for insurance, reinsurance, and  Inflation dated November
        pension companies is set for January 1, 2025.         23, 2023, published by
                                                              the    Public   Oversight,
        The  Insurance  and  Private  Pension  Regulation  and   Accounting and Auditing
        Supervision Agency (SEDDK) has issued a Directive on  Standards  Authority  (KGK).
        Inflation Accounting in the Insurance Sector.         It is mentioned that these
                                                              authorized  institutions  and
        In the said directive, it is stated that the authority or  organizations  are  granted  flexibility  in  the  application  of
        organization  responsible  for  regulation  and  supervision  in  inflation accounting in their respective fields.
        their respective fields, as authorized by the Public Oversight,
        Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK), may  Accordingly, the transition date for insurance, reinsurance,
        set different transition dates from those envisaged for the  and pension companies to adopt inflation accounting has been
        application of the provisions contained in TMS29 or financial  set as January 1, 2025.
        reporting standards for Large and Medium-sized Enterprises,
        as outlined in the Announcement Regarding the Adjustment  The directive will enter into force on the date of its publication.

        Aksigorta has released its TCFD Report

                                                              Burak  Yüzgül,  Deputy  General  Manager  of  Aksigorta,
                                                              stated that they implement strategies to enhance resilience
                                                              against climate change and said, “We are aware of the
                                                              risks associated with climate change. We are committed to
                                                              fulfilling our promises to provide a more sustainable future
                                                              for  our  customers,  employees,  and  society.  We  set  targets
                                                              to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our own operations.
                                                              In this regard, we focus on products and services that will
                                                              contribute to promoting low-carbon and stakeholder-focused
                                                              economic growth.”
                                                              53% emission saving target
        Aksigorta has published its TCFD (Task Force on Climate-
        related Financial Disclosures) report, which outlines its
        activities and strategy aligned with the Paris Climate   Yüzgül  also  commented  on  the  progress  made  towards
        Agreement, identifying its priority areas in combating climate   sustainable  development  goals:  “In  2022,  our  sustainable
        change. Aksigorta has set a ‘Net Zero Emissions’ target by   products and services related to Sustainable Development
        2050  and  remains  committed to  working  diligently  for  a   Goals  accounted  for  19%  of  gross  premiums  written  at
        sustainable future.                                   Aksigorta.  In  line  with  the  1.5-degree  target  of  the  Paris
                                                              Climate  Agreement,  we  will  reduce  our  Scope  1  and  2
                                                              emissions  by  53%  at  Aksigorta  between  2019  and  2030.
        Aksigorta, offering a new generation of insurance with a focus
        on sustainability, is among the institutions supporting the fight   We have begun efforts to align our Scope 3 emissions from
        against climate change. By publishing its TCFD (Task Force   our investment portfolio with science-based targets.  We are
        on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) report, Aksigorta   working on an implementation plan aligned with this target
        transparently demonstrates its processes of understanding,   and have started efforts to commit to the Science-Based
        analyzing, and adapting to climate risks.             Targets Initiative (SBTi) at the earliest opportunity. During
                                                              the reporting period, by collecting evaluations of claim
                                                              files through digital channels, we achieved a paper saving
        Acting with the aim of contributing to the development of the
        sector and the national economy, Aksigorta also continues   equivalent to 1.1 million A4 sheets, resulting in a reduction
        its  efforts  in  line  with  sustainable  growth  objectives.  As  a   of  5.5  tons  of  emissions.  In  addition  to  the  paper  savings,
        signatory  to  the  United  Nations  Global  Compact  (UNGC),   we have also contributed 20,000 trees to nature as part of
        Aksigorta is strengthening its sustainability performance.  Sabancı  Group’s  goal  of  preserving  natural  habitats  and
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