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       Ray Sigorta Receives Excellent Customer Satisfaction Award for the Fifth Consecutive

       With  over  65  years  of  experience  in  when we engage with the customer,
       the  insurance  sector,  Ray  Sigorta  especially when the insured asset suffers
       provides  its  customers  with  personalized  damage  or  illness.  Our  purpose  comes
       solutions and reinforces its success with  into  play  precisely  at  this  point.  Taking
       groundbreaking  practices.  Ray  Sigorta  swift actions to address their claims and
       has been honored with the Customer  enhancing the trust and sense of belonging
       Satisfaction Achievement Award for  our customers feel toward us form the
       the  fifth  consecutive  time  at  the  A.C.E  cornerstone  of  Ray  Sigorta’s  success.
       (Achievement in Customer Excellence)  From  our  organizational  structure  to
       Awards  organized  by  the  ‘Şikayetvar’  the  services  we  offer,  Ray  Sigorta  will
       platform.                            continue to prioritize our customers as our
                                            most important focal point.”
       Ray  Sigorta  CEO  Koray  Erdoğan
       emphasized  the  importance  of  customer  Erdoğan   emphasized   their   vision
       loyalty in the insurance sector, stating,  of  providing  personalized  solutions   providing instant solutions is the best way
       “Competition in our field is highly intense,  according to individual needs, stating,   to improve the experience. In this context,
       as  in  many  other  sectors.  Policyholders  “Delivering the best experience to our   participating in the A.C.E Awards for the
       no longer view their relationships with  customers  is  our  top  priority.  While   fifth consecutive year and receiving the
       insurance companies as mere annual  focusing on personalized product design,   Gold Award in the A category this year,
       agreements.  Instead,  they  seek  a  we also enhance our service quality   in addition to the Excellent Customer
       companion who will stand by them in both  every year based on feedback from our   Satisfaction Achievement Award, shows
       good  and  bad  times.    The  most  critical  customers.  We  believe  that  measuring   that our efforts are being appreciated.”
       moment comes after policy issuance  customer satisfaction during service  and

        Ceyhan Hancıoğlu, General Manager of Magdeburger Sigorta, states, “We Support
        the Liberal Tariff in Compulsory Traffic Insurances.”

                                                              premiums in traffic insurance has been a significant burden on
                                                              the sector for many years. Transitioning to a liberal tariff will
                                                              be a significant step towards alleviating this burden. Increased
                                                              competition will enable insurance companies to provide better
                                                              services and allow citizens to access more affordable traffic
                                                              insurance policies. With a liberal tariff, insurance companies
                                                              will be able to price policies based on risk profiles. As a result,
                                                              high-risk drivers will  pay higher  premiums, while  cautious
                                                              and safe drivers will benefit from lower premiums. This will
                                                              ensure  the  sustainability  of  the  sector  and  provide  citizens
                                                              with a fairer pricing opportunity.”

                                                              Hancıoğlu  said,  “Since  it  is  a  compulsory  insurance  for
       The maximum price application, which has been in effect in   our  citizens,  we  structure  the  system  not  to  make  money
       compulsory traffic insurances since 2017, continues to be one   but rather not to lose money. That’s why we advocate for a
       of the most important issues on the agenda of the sector in   liberal tariff. We know that SEDDK (Insurance and Private
       recent years.                                          Pension Regulation and Supervision Authority) is also willing
                                                              to transition to a liberal tariff. Therefore, we believe that in
       Ceyhan Hancıoğlu, General Manager of Magdeburger Sigorta,   the near future, there will be a transition to a liberal tariff in
       emphasized the importance of transitioning to a liberal tariff,   traffic  insurances.  We  believe  that  the  new  basket  increase
       stating that most companies are technically losing money   system that the legislator will apply to policies as of May
       from compulsory traffic insurance policies.            1, 2024, will put this issue into a mathematical framework
                                                              and will be very beneficial for our sector. This will provide
       Hancıoğlu stated, “The long-standing problem of inadequate   transparency in the rate increases and make it easier to
                                                              explain to the citizens.”
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