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        5 million people chose Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik for their individual retirement and life
        insurance needs

        Operating in the individual retirement  maintained their leadership position
        and life insurance sectors and serving  in  the  under-18  customer  market,
        a total of 5 million customers, Anadolu  stating, “As the first company to offer
        Hayat Emeklilik continues its stable  individual  retirement  products  for
        growth.  The  company,  reaching  a  children in the industry, we continue to
        fund  size  of  148  billion  TL  including  maintain our leadership position in the
        government  contributions  and  serving  under-18  customer  market  with  277
        2.9 million participants in the Individual  thousand  participants  and  a  fund  size
        Pension System (BES), holds a leading  of 3.9 billion TL.” Atalay also touched
        position  in  the  market  with  a  25%  upon their extensive customer base,
        share in the under-18 customer segment  stating, “Currently, 5 million people
        and  a  26%  share  in  both  participant  choose Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik for
        numbers and fund size. Anadolu Hayat  their individual retirement and life
        Emeklilik,  with  2.4  million  customers  insurance  needs.  According  to  family
        in the life insurance branch, saw its  data released by the Turkish Statistical
        premium production for the year 2023  Institute, the average household size in
        increase  by  101%  compared  to  the  our  country  is  calculated  to  be  3.17.
        previous year, reaching 7.1 billion TL.  In this context, when we consider
                                           our customers along with the family
        Continuing its efforts in individual  members living in the same household,   at full speed to provide our customers
        retirement and life insurance sectors,  we can say that as a company, we reach   with a flawless experience. We will work
        Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik maintains its  over  15  million  people  in  total.  We   on developing processes to enable our
        successful performance in 2023 into  provide opportunities for saving and   customers to perform all their requests
        the first quarter of 2024. According to  protection against risks through our   and transactions via digital platforms,
        data from February 23, 2024, in the  various products.”                and to track their transactions
        Individual  Pension  System  consisting                                through  our  digital  platforms.  We
        of voluntary individual retirement and  “We  continue  to  be  the  choice  for   will intensify our efforts on artificial
        automatic enrollment, the company  one out of every 4 children”        intelligence-supported   personalized
        has  reached  a  current  fund  size  of                               value propositions to increase new
        148 billion TL, representing a 10.3%  Atalay continued, stating that the   customer acquisition and customer
        increase  since  the  beginning  of  the  company’s  strong  performance  has   retention.  In  2024,  while  taking
        year. As of the same date, the company  motivated them to achieve new   actions to ensure customer retention
        has  reached  a  total  of  2.9  million  successes  in  2024.  He  said:  “We   to maintain our strong position in the
        participants.  In  the  life  insurance  believe that the growth momentum   individual retirement and life insurance
        branch, the company achieved a  we captured in 2023 will continue      markets and further strengthen it in
        premium  production  of  679  million  at  the  same  pace  this  year.  By  the   certain categories, we will also focus
        TL  in  the  first  month  of  the  year.  At  end of 2024, we anticipate that our   on diversifying our product range to
        the end of 2023, the company achieved  voluntary Individual Pension System   attract  new  customers.  Additionally,
        an active size of 162.7 billion TL and  (BES)  participants  will  exceed  1.5   there are new regulatory developments
        equity  of  6.3  billion  TL,  representing  million.  We  will  continue  to  maintain   in the sectors we operate in, which
        increases of 80% and 86% respectively  our leadership position in the under-18   contain  developments  beneficial  to
        compared to the previous year.     customer group this year and remain the   customers, on the hot agenda. We will
                                           choice for one out of every 4 children   adapt to these changes and leverage
        Murat Atalay, the General Manager of  in  the  industry.  Regarding  automatic   them to provide better services to our
        Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, expressed  enrollment, we aim to increase the   customers.  Our  company  conducts
 Doğa Sigorta has launched its User-Friendly New Website  satisfaction  with  the  company’s  number of employees in the system   all activities with an approach that
        achievements in the Individual Pension  through the corporate collaborations   is conscious of its responsibilities to
        System (BES) and life insurance  we  have  accelerated.  Expanding  our   the  environment  and  society.  In  line
        branches  in  2023.  He  stated,  “We  financial inclusiveness by increasing   with today’s needs, we will continue
        have reached the targeted performance  our market share in both BES fund size   to be the company that provides the
        level for all branches in 2023. We had  and life insurance premium production   best customer experience, both before
        a very successful year in life insurance  is among our goals for 2024.”  and  after  sales.  At  Anadolu  Hayat
        and individual retirement branches,                                    Emeklilik, we will enrich the trust we
        exceeding  the  sector  average  in  all  “We will focus on acquiring new cus-  provide with customer experience and
        categories  (participant  numbers,  fund  tomers”                      digitalization,  making  sustainability
        size,   premium   production),   thus                                  vision an integral part of our work. By
        increasing our market share.”      Atalay indicated that the focus of their   doing so, we will elevate our services to
                                           future efforts would be on customers,   higher levels in the sectors we operate
        Atalay  also  emphasized  that  they  stating, “We will continue our efforts   in.”
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