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        The ‘Education Equality’ Award to Allianz Turkey’s ‘’Bir Kız Gelecek’’ (A Girl Will
        Come) Program

        With the aim of being a lifelong supporter of girls’ right to
        life and education, Allianz Turkey, which runs the corporate
        social  responsibility  program  called  “Bir  Kız  Gelecek”,
        was awarded in the “Education Equality” category at the
        Women-Friendly Brands 2024 Awareness Awards.

        Last  year,  Allianz  Turkey’s  corporate  social  responsibility
        program  “Bir  Kız  Gelecek”,  which  was  launched  with  the
        goal of supporting the lifelong advocates of girls’ right to
        life  and  education,  received  its  first  award.  Conducted
        in  collaboration  with  Allianz  Turkey  and  the  Koruncuk
        Foundation Turkish Foundation for Children in Need of
        Protection  (Koruncuk  Foundation),  “Bir  Kız  Gelecek”
        was  honored  in  the  “Education  Equality”  category  at  the
        4th  edition  of  the  “Awareness  Awards”  organized  by  the
        Women-Friendly Brands Platform this year.            “Bir Kız Gelecek,” which received its first award.  The long-
                                                             term program, aiming to create value for the Sustainable
        Since  2021,  the  “Women-Friendly  Brands  Awareness  Development  Goals  of  “quality  education,”  “gender
        Awards” program, held annually during the “International  equality,”  “decent  work  and  economic  growth,”  consists
        Women’s  Day”  week,  rewards  awareness  projects  of  four  layers:  “Human  Focus,”  “Institutional  Focus,”
        implemented  by  institutions  to  achieve  gender  equality.  “University  Focus,”  and  “Development  and  Employment
        Allianz  Turkey  supports  the  awareness,  confidence,  and  Focus.” In addition to doubling the capacity of the Koruncuk
        participation of at-risk children, including girls affected  Foundation with the construction of new dormitories, Allianz
        by the February 6th earthquakes, in their rights to life and  Turkey aims to be a lifelong supporter of the children by
        education as responsible individuals who create value. This  providing various opportunities such as shelter, scholarships,
        support is through its corporate social responsibility program  development, and employment.

        Once Again, Customer Experience Award to Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik

                                 Türkiye   Hayat   Emeklilik
                                 has added another award to  Dr. Doğan BAŞAR, the Deputy General Manager of Human
                                 its  collection.  At  the  A.C.E.  Resources,  Strategy,  and  Support  Services  at  Türkiye
                                 Awards   (Achievement   in  Sigorta, stated the following regarding the matter: “Being
                                 Customer       Excellence),  evaluated by a platform where 150 thousand brands and 20
                                 organized  by  Şikayetvar  for  million visitors meet monthly, such as Şikayetvar, and being
                                 the 9th time this year to  deemed worthy of an award once again is a great source of
                                 recognize brands that excel in  pride for us. Winning this award for the fifth time thanks
                                 customer satisfaction, Türkiye  to the appreciation of our customers on such an important
                                 Hayat Emeklilik was awarded  platform has made us very happy.
                                 the Gold prize.
                                                             The feedback our customers share with us forms a valuable
                                 The  A.C.E.  Awards,  where  source  of  insight  about  our  services.    We  are  aware  of
                                 numerous brands from various  the importance of basing the most lasting and effective
                                 sectors  participated  and  improvements and strategies on these insights.
        brands offering the best customer experience were honored,
        found their winners for the 9th time. Based on the “Customer  The awards we have won motivate us to work even harder to
        Experience  Index”  prepared  by  Şikayetvar  and  utilizing  achieve greater success. I extend my thanks and gratitude
        feedback  from  over  1.5  million  customer  satisfaction  to all my colleagues who have worked tirelessly behind
        surveys, Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik was deemed worthy of the  this success. We will continue to strive to provide the best
        Gold award in the “Pension and Life Insurance” category.”  customer experience for everyone.”
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