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        Special statements from TSB President Uğur Gülen for Earthquake Week:
        ‘’Earthquake is our reality, insurance is our must for a safe tomorrow’’

        The President of the Insurance and  TSB  President  emphasized  that  not
        Pension Sector’s umbrella organization,  only the disaster zone but all of Turkey
        the Insurance Association of Turkey  once again confronted the reality of
        (TSB),  Uğur  Gülen,  made  statements  earthquakes  after  the  February  6
        during the 1-7 March 2024 Earthquake  earthquakes. He stressed the importance
        Week.                               of embracing the understanding of
                                            “Appreciating insurance,” stating, “We
        Emphasizing  that  the  insurance  sector  must avoid remembering earthquakes
        has the potential to do much more in the  only when they happen and then
        event of possible disasters, the President  forgetting about them as time passes,
        of TSB stated that increasing the number  pretending they never existed. We cannot
        of policyholders could lead to much  replace the lives lost in earthquakes, but
        more  successful  outcomes.  President  by raising awareness collectively, we can
        Gülen  also  conveyed  his  get  well  soon  secure our health and the assets we have
        message due to the recent earthquake  painstakingly acquired with insurance
        centered in Çanakkale.              to reduce earthquake damage.”       We attach great importance to ensuring
                                                                                that our employees are fully prepared for
        Uğur  Gülen  continued  his  words  as  Gülen pointed out that research indicates  a possible earthquake or disaster. These
        follows:  “The  allocation  from  the  the expected damage for a potential  trainings are of critical importance for
        state  budget  for  the  Kahramanmaraş  Marmara earthquake is slightly over  the health of our employees and their
        earthquakes is 105 billion dollars. Our  $100  billion,  with  only  about  10%  families first, and then to ensure that
        sector has taken on 5 billion dollars of  of  it  being  insured.  He  reminded  our services are not interrupted.”
        this. If our awareness of insurance and  that through the compensations and
        insured assets were higher, as a sector,  liabilities paid by the sector, it affected  After the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes,
        we could have relieved the burden from  the  lives  of  “260,000  people  daily”  which caused  great sorrow  to our
        our  state.  This  would  have  returned  in  2023,  injecting  around  1.2  billion  country in 2023 and were referred to
        to  our  citizens  as  more  investment,  Turkish Lira into the economy. The TSB  as the disaster of the century, insurance
        employment,  and  opportunities.  One  President stated, “It is possible for us  companies provided continuous support
        of the most upsetting aspects for us is  to protect the future of our country and  for the region to return to its former
        that insurance behavior emerges ‘after  our citizens by increasing awareness and  days.  They  offered  13.3  billion  TL
        the  risk  occurs’  and  then  cannot  be  consequently improving insurance rates,  in  cash  aid,  containers  worth  5.6
        sustained.  Although  there  was  a  very  leading to much better outcomes.”  million TL, 92 trucks, 9 ambulances,
        rapid increase in insurance demand  President  Gülen  also  mentioned  that  aid  materials  worth  10.4  million  TL,
        after the February 6 earthquakes, this  employees  of  the  Turkey  Insurance  hygiene supplies worth 5.4 million TL,
        situation dwindled two months later and  Association  received  training  on  400 thousand pieces of clothing, 4
        fell below even the same period of last   what  to  do  during  an  earthquake.  field kitchens, 300 thousand food aids,
        year. We must never forget that Turkey  He stated,  “Our sector went through  and  jointly  with  TEV,  provided  4-year
        is an earthquake-prone country and,  a very challenging test  after the  scholarships to 100 university students.
        moreover, like many countries in the  Kahramanmaraş earthquakes. However,  The insurance sector continues its
        world, it faces new disaster risks due to  with the rapid decisions and actions we  support tirelessly to help the region
        the climate crisis.”                took together with all stakeholders, we  recover after the disaster of the century,
                                            defined this process with flying colors.  marking one year since the event.

                                           Doğa Sigorta has launched its User-Friendly New Website

                                          Doğa  Sigorta  continues  to  enhance  its  policy quotes and purchase services for
                                          strong communication with customers  Complementary Health, Travel Health,
                                          and stakeholders through developments  Home, DASK (mandatory earthquake
                                          and innovations in the digital world.  insurance), Traffic, Comprehensive,
                                                                               and Foreign Health products, ensuring
                                          In line with this, the brand has revamped  a smooth and immediate experience
                                          its website with the most up-to-date  for  those  seeking  insurance  coverage.
                                          design  and  functional  features.  The  With  robust  security  measures  in
                                          user-friendly  new  website  of  Doğa  place, the site offers a simple design
                                          Sigorta incorporates highly practical  while  providing  product  and  service
                                          features for ease of use. Visitors to the  information, along with announcements
                                          website can easily and  instantly obtain  of corporate updates and developments.
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