Page 12 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 12

12 interview

      We work to insure

      all homes without


      bitter experiences

      Türk Reasürans General Manager Selva Eren stated, “In 2024, we invite all our
      citizens to insure their homes under DASK coverage, renew expired policies,
      and update their coverage for stronger financial security.”

     Could you summarize the activities carried out before the earth-  that meets the demands of the day. Thanks to the significant steps
     quake and the balance of the DASK regarding the earthquakes  we took before the earthquake, we were operationally and financial-
     in Kahramanmaraş on February 6?                         ly prepared for a potential major earthquake. Immediately after the
     As you know, Türk Reasürans took over the Technical Operator du-  earthquake, we initiated our full-scale operations with our existing
     ties of DASK on August 8, 2020. Since the first day we assumed this  teams in the Ankara Emergency Management Center, joined by our
     duty, we have always conducted work aimed at taking DASK fur-  teams from Istanbul. To expedite damage payments, we proactively
     ther, creating value and benefits for the institution. We have always  initiated the damage process by opening damage files based on the
     moved forward with our earthquake preparedness plans at the fore-  lists of residences officially assessed for damage by the Ministry
     front of our efforts. Operationally, we have taken significant steps  of  Environment,  Urbanization,  and  Climate  Change,  even  before
     to manage processes more effectively as DASK. The most important  receiving notifications from policyholders for collapsed, urgently
     of these was opening the DASK Emergency Management Center in  demolished, and heavily damaged buildings. As a result, we made
     Ankara. In addition, we relocated the DASK Main Data Center to  our first damage payment within just 24 hours of the earthquake. A
     Ankara, where earthquake risk is lower, with its backup remaining  group of our DASK Truck and damage teams located at our Ankara
     in Istanbul. Furthermore, to ensure continuity of operations during  Emergency Management Center were dispatched to the region on
     earthquakes, we upgraded DASK's technological infrastructure. We  the same day. To provide faster and face-to-face service to our pol-
     have enabled the notification systems to achieve a response speed  icyholders, we established DASK container offices in the provinces
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