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Anadolu Sigorta has released its 2023 Integrated Sustainability Report
Operating for 99 years with the “We create value for our society, our
perspective of creating added value country, and our planet.”
for sustainable development, Anadolu
Sigorta has published its 2023 Ergüntan stated, “As part of our
Integrated Sustainability Report. sensitivity to nature, we monitor the
environmental impacts of our activities
With this report, Anadolu Sigorta and carry out various initiatives to
publicly discloses its annual performance reduce our carbon footprint. As Anadolu
in accordance with international Sigorta, we calculate our greenhouse
standards and frameworks. The gas emissions in accordance with the
company views sustainability as an ISO 14064 standard. This year, for the
opportunity for growth and innovation, first time, we had our emissions verified
integrating it into all its activities, from by an independent auditing firm. When
product development and procurement we compare this to our first calculation
to social responsibility projects and made in 2018, we have reduced our
human resources practices. carbon footprint per employee by this initiative, the company opened a
78.7%. We have also eliminated our regional office at KidZania Istanbul,
Anadolu Sigorta shared its 2023 Category 2 Energy-Related Indirect which offers a fun learning experience
Integrated Sustainability Report, Greenhouse Gas Emissions with the aimed at raising insurance awareness
which includes its projects and goals, International Renewable Energy among children. This opportunity
with the public, driven by a vision of Certificate (I-REC).” allowed them to explain to children aged
creating economic, environmental, 6 and older, as well as their families,
and social added value. Prepared in Ergüntan stated that under the “Eyes what risk is, why protection from
accordance with GRI Standards and of the Forest” project, which they risk is necessary, and the importance
the International Integrated Reporting started in 2022, they have reached a of insurance. The “Anadolu Sigorta
Council (IIRC) standards, the report monitoring area of 245,000 hectares Libraries” project, which started in
details the company’s approach to by the end of 2023 and are proud to Beykoz in 2023, is another initiative
sustainability issues, its performance, have prevented potential fires at dozens focused on children and continues
and the process of integrating of locations. In the 2023 Integrated to grow. By establishing libraries
its sustainability perspective into Sustainability Report, Ergüntan in schools, Anadolu Sigorta aims to
its business operations. Anadolu expressed that Anadolu Sigorta will increase children’s love for books and
Sigorta’s new report showcases the continue its journey of creating value has provided support to a total of 17
company’s journey toward achieving for our society, country, and planet with schools so far. Through this project,
its sustainability goals by providing determination, stating, “As Anadolu more than 10,000 students have gained
reliable, transparent, and comparable Sigorta, we create value by reflecting access to over 14,000 books.
information. The report indicates that the sustainable development we aim
activities in the field of sustainability for in line with our vision and mission On the path to equality in access to
will continue to increase, detailing across all our activities with our information
the company’s efforts toward its stakeholders. Since our establishment,
stakeholders throughout 2023. we have prioritized our goal of being Anadolu Sigorta, adding voice guidance
a national and international leader for visually impaired users to its
Berna Ergüntan, Corporate while responsibly consuming the website, along with voice narration and
Communication and Sustainability resources of our planet, incorporating AI-supported sign language in product
Coordinator at Anadolu Sigorta, stated environmental, social, and governance information documents, has made all
that the company will celebrate its dimensions into our priorities.” processes accessible to everyone. The
100th anniversary in 2025 and has company published its 2023 Integrated
demonstrated a strong stance with Anadolu Sigorta is reaching out to Sustainability Report featuring the
strategies and policies on the issues future generations Accessibility Translation feature,
prioritized within sustainability. She which encompasses these attributes.
also highlighted the progress made in Anadolu Sigorta is taking significant By developing inclusive products and
environmentally focused initiatives to steps in its efforts to reach future services that can serve all segments
combat climate change, which is at the generations, recognizing children of society, the company has taken
top of the global sustainability agenda. among its stakeholders. As part of another step closer to its goal of being
accessible to everyone.