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        “Türkiye Sigorta and Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik are 4 Years Old!”

                                   “Türkiye Sigorta and Türkiye  future in line with our vision.”
                                   Hayat Emeklilik continue to
                                   achieve success after success,  Çakmak,  who  said,  “As  the  Türkiye  Sigorta  and  Türkiye
                                   drawing strength from their  Hayat Emeklilik family, we have achieved a lot in four years
                                   name as they celebrate their  through unity of hands and hearts,” continued his remarks as
                                   4th anniversary.”          follows: “During these four years, while we have achieved great
                                                              success in our business, we have also been recognized by our
                                   Taha Çakmak, the General  employees, the architects of these successes, and have made it to
                                   Manager  of  Türkiye  Sigorta,  the Great Place to Work list for two consecutive years. Since our
                                   expressed their pride in the 4th  establishment, we have added new achievements to our success
                                   anniversary of Türkiye Sigorta  by receiving 57 awards at both national and international levels.
                                   and Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik,  We have been included in the Brand Finance list of the most
                                   stating: “In a short time, we  valuable brands for three consecutive years. In this process, we
                                   have taken significant steps  have introduced many innovations, becoming a guarantee for
                                   towards becoming a leader in  both our country’s unique values and our policyholders. With
                                   the industry, moving beyond  our insurance, life, and retirement products, we have provided
                                   numbers with our knowledge,  security for our customers’ risks while also supporting their
                                   experience,  and  production.  future dreams and retirement days. Especially in the past year,
        Our goals are ambitious, and our responsibility is immense, but  through the strategies we have set, we have made insurance more
        with the strength we derive from our name, we continue to break  accessible  for everyone  with affordable  products  that address
        records. As the Türkiye Sigorta and Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik  the needs of our citizens, particularly in individual products like
        family, we have achieved a lot in four years through unity of  health and auto insurance. We are just at the beginning of the
        hands and hearts! We have introduced many innovations and  road, and we have many goals to achieve and countless successes
        have become a guarantee for both our country’s unique values  ahead of us.”
        and our policyholders. We are just at the beginning of the road,
        and we have many goals to achieve and countless successes  The fund size increased by 596% over four years
        ahead of us.”                                         Highlighting that they have achieved significant financial
                                                              successes,  Çakmak  stated,  “As  Türkiye  Hayat  Emeklilik,  we
        Continuing to create value with 41 regional directorates, 3,930  have increased our fund size by 596% over four years, reaching
        contracted  agencies  and  brokers,  and  5,208  contracted  bank  229 billion 689 million TL with 5 million participants. In four
        branches, Türkiye Sigorta serves its policyholders across Turkey  years, we examined 1 million 467 thousand damage files and
        with  4,376  contracted  institutions  in  healthcare  and  3,552  made  34  billion  856  million  TL  in  damage  payments  to  our
        contracted service providers in auto insurance.       policyholders. We have also rapidly increased our total net profit
                                                              at Türkiye Sigorta and Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik, reaching 11.2
        In a short time, the company has reached a wide customer  billion TL between January and July 2024.”
        portfolio, an extensive distribution network, an innovative
        perspective, leadership in technology, and a skilled workforce,  The mobile application has been downloaded by 5.3 million
        serving  6  million  customers  in  the  insurance  sector  and  10  people
        million in individual retirement and life insurance, growing every  Çakmak, stating that they have made significant progress in
        day. In four years, it has achieved over 3 million policies in auto  technology and artificial intelligence, said, “By accelerating the
        insurance, 8 million in housing, and over 2 million 670 thousand  damage assessment processes, we have started to provide higher
        in healthcare.                                        quality service to our policyholders. Our Türkiye Sigorta mobile
                                                              application has been downloaded by 5.3 million people. With our
        Taha Çakmak, the General Manager of Türkiye Sigorta, stated  AI-supported FonaSor application, we have helped our individual
        that they have gradually achieved their goal of becoming a  retirement customers manage their funds. We processed 85% of
        company that brings the understanding of insurance from  outpatient treatment authorization requests within 10 seconds
        “after” to “before,” providing solutions to the need for security  and completed the initial evaluation of inpatient treatment
        in every moment of life: “As we celebrate our 4th anniversary,  authorization requests within 30 minutes. We received a total of
        we have moved beyond numbers in our leadership position; with  2.6 million calls from our retirement and insurance customers,
        our knowledge, experience, and production, we have become a  responding  to  90%  of  these  calls  within  an  average  of  90
        pioneer in our sector. As we leave these four years behind, we  seconds. By developing the Pusula Plus system, which is beyond
        will continue to work for our people and our country. Our goals  our long-used Pusula system, we have strengthened our company
        are high, and our responsibility is great... With the strength we  vision aimed at always reaching further. These have been very
        derive from our name, we are confidently moving towards the  important steps we have taken in the age of digitalization.”
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