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        International Award for Allianz Turkey’s People and Culture Projects

                                                             Software  Engineering fields  to  develop into  software
                                                             developers, providing a platform for those who wish to grow
                                                             in these areas.

                                                             Allianz  Turkey  won  its  second  award  under  the  Talent
                                                             Acquisition Awards in the Best Young Talent Recruitment
                                                             Strategy category. Allianz Turkey’s young talent programs,
                                                             which focus on industry  needs and aim to create  a
                                                             sustainable  talent  pool,  earned  the  bronze  award.  Among
                                                             the award-winning programs are CodeBooth, the industry’s
                                                             first young talent program for IT teams; Fintastic, a young
                                                             talent  program  for  finance  teams;  Underwriter,  aimed  at
                                                             training future insurance risk analysts; Synergize, designed
                                                             to provide qualified workforce for Business Development
        Allianz  Turkey’s  Vocational  Training  Program,  designed   and Transformation teams; and DataAction, targeting young
        to  develop  professionals  from  non-Computer/Software   professionals planning careers in data analysis and actuarial
        Engineering departments into software developers, its   sciences.
        Young Talent Programs that offer employment opportunities
        tailored to the competencies needed for the organization’s   Allianz  Turkey’s  One  Click  People  &  Culture  project,
        present and future, and the digitalization of its HR processes   implemented as part of its digitalization strategy, won the
        have  been  awarded  three  prizes  in  the  ‘Achievement  in   gold award in the Success in HR Technology category under
        Human Resources’ category at the 2024 Stevie Awards for   the Payroll and Personnel Management Awards.
        Great Employers.
                                                              Allianz Turkey received the award for four different projects
        Allianz  Turkey  received  three  awards  at  the  2024  Stevie   carried out within the scope of One Click People & Culture.
        Awards  for  Great  Employers,  a  global  award  program   The Advance Project reduced the effort time for 50 monthly
        recognizing top employers, HR professionals, and projects.   advance requests from 150 hours to 9 hours. The Receipt
        Allianz Turkey’s GeleceğimAll Vocational Training Program,   Project lowered the manual entry time for 500-700 receipts
        managed by the Human and Culture department, won the   per month from 100 hours to 2 hours. The SGK Integration
        gold award in the Most Innovative Talent Recruitment   Project reduced errors in employees’ HR processes to zero.
        Program category under the Talent Acquisition Awards. The   Finally,  the  Visa  Project  reduced  the  manual  preparation
        GeleceğimAll  vocational  training  program  stands  out  for   time for 50 monthly visa document requests from 21 hours
        offering opportunities to professionals from non-Computer/  to 1 hour.

         Fitch Ratings has confirmed MAPFRE Sigorta’s Financial Strength once again!

        The international credit rating agency Fitch  Ratings has  to  grow.  This  year,  we
        confirmed  MAPFRE  Sigorta’s  Financial  Strength  Rating  continue on our path with
        (IFS) at AA+(Tur) with a stable outlook.             a much stronger capital
                                                             following the 550 million
        Fitch Ratings noted that MAPFRE Sigorta’s National Insurer  TL  capital  increase
        Financial Strength Rating remains at AA+(Tur) with a stable   carried out by our main
        outlook. The rating agency stated that the MAPFRE Group’s  partner,   MAPFRE
        continued confidence and commitment to the Turkish market  Group. The confirmation
        is reflected in this year’s capital increase. The rating report,  of our credit rating as
        in which MAPFRE Sigorta is positioned as “important” for  AA+(tur) is very valuable
        the  MAPFRE  Group,  emphasizes  that  the  company  benefits  to us, as it reflects
        from the MAPFRE Group’s expertise in corporate governance,  positive  developments
        operational support, and risk management.            in factors such as our
                                                             capital      adequacy,
        Commenting on Fitch’s assessment, MAPFRE Sigorta General   financial results, risk management strategies, operational
        Manager Erdinç Yurtseven stated, “As MAPFRE Sigorta, we  performance,  and  future  projections.  Additionally,  the
        continue to focus on financial sustainability and stable growth.  published  report  reaffirms  MAPFRE  Group’s  confidence
        This focus brings us success. We closed the year 2023 with a  in  Turkey  and  MAPFRE  Sigorta.  In  the  report,  MAPFRE
        post-tax profit of 723 million TL, exceeding our performance  Sigorta is positioned as ‘important’ for MAPFRE Group and
        expectations. The net profit of 793 million TL we achieved in  emphasizes  the  Group’s  commitment  to  the  Turkish  market
        the first six months of 2024 shows that this success continues  despite economic fluctuations in the country.”
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