Page 14 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 14

14 at a glance

        TEK Kasko from Ray Sigorta, specially designed for those who cannot share their
        vehicle with anyone

       With its customer-focused approach, Ray Sigorta continues to
       expand its product portfolio by offering customizable solutions
       that  meet  changing  current  needs.  Recently,  Ray  Sigorta
       introduced ‘Tek Kasko,’ the new member of its motor  insurance
       portfolio,  to  its  agents  and  customers.  Tek  Kasko,  specially
       designed for those who cannot share their vehicle with anyone
       and use it solely for themselves, is available at Ray Sigorta.

       Entering 2024 with confidence, Ray Sigorta continues to provide
       services to both its agents and customers without slowing down.
       Initially expanding its product range in home insurance with
       customizable solutions, Ray Sigorta has also added ‘Tek Kasko’
       to  its  portfolio  in  the  auto  insurance  sector.  The  Tek  Kasko
       product, which includes all coverage and assistance services in
       the expanded auto insurance policies, offers attractive discount  range of products with a total of six different types of insurance
       advantages of starting from 15% and reaching up to 20% for  to  meet  our  customers’  standards  and  demands.  In  line  with
       customers who use their vehicles solely for themselves.    our slogan, ‘Neither too little nor too much, insurance tailored
                                                              to needs,’ we continue to develop products according to our
       The most advantageous insurance for those who prefer not  customers’ requirements. In this way, we provide our agents with
       to share their vehicle and take care of it like their own  the opportunity to protect and expand their portfolios. Our ‘Tek
                                                              Kasko’ product, designed with this understanding, encompasses
       Ray Sigorta CEO Koray Erdoğan stated that they continue to  all the features of our extended auto insurance products.  We
       increase product diversity in the auto insurance sector, as in all  have a broad customer base that takes great care of their vehicles
       branches, in line with changing customer needs. He said “We are  and prefers not to share the driver’s seat. From this perspective,
       now adding Tek Kasko to our existing portfolio, which includes  Tek Kasko stands out as the most advantageous product that
       Ray  Kasko,  Baby  On  Board  (BOB)  Kasko,  Second  Chance  meets the expectations and needs of our customers who use their
       Kasko, KaskHom, and Start Kasko. We have created a broad  vehicles solely for themselves.”

        Garanti BBVA Emeklilik’s Credit Card Payment Guarantee Insurance is now available

        for sale on mobile

                                                              this insurance through Garanti BBVA Mobile.

                                                              Garanti BBVA Emeklilik General Manager Burak Ali Göçer,
                                                              providing information on the subject, stated, “With the Credit
                                                              Card Payment Assurance Insurance, we prevent our customers
                                                              from  wondering,  ‘Who  will  pay  my  credit  card  debts  if  an
                                                              unexpected situation occurs?’ This insurance, which can be
                                                              obtained  with  a  monthly  premium  payment  of  only  1%  of
                                                              credit card expenses, ensures that credit card payments are
                                                              not interrupted in cases of involuntary unemployment for
                                                              those working in the private sector, as we cover the debts. The
                                                              monthly premium amount here is equal to 1% of the total debt
                                                              amount on the statement date plus the total of the installment
                                                              amounts for future payments. Not only employees but all of
       Garanti BBVA Emeklilik supports its customers in securing   our  customers  can  benefit  from  the  insurance.  Freelancers,
       their credit card debts with the Credit Card Payment Assurance   retirees, homemakers, and individuals from other professions
       Insurance.  In  cases  of  death,  disability  due  to  accident  or   can  take advantage  of  daily hospital  coverage  in  cases of
       illness, or unemployment, the credit card debts are paid by   disability  resulting  from  accidents  or  illnesses.  Moreover,
       Garanti BBVA Emeklilik.                                they benefit from an average tax advantage of 27% on the
                                                              premiums paid. We continue to digitize our processes to make
       Garanti BBVA Emeklilik is offering a special bonus of 500   it easier for our customers to access these types of guarantees.
       TL to customers who activate the Credit Card Payment   As of July, the Credit Card Payment Assurance Insurance can
       Assurance Insurance by July 31, as it launches direct sales of   be initiated through Garanti BBVA Mobile for credit cards
                                                              belonging to our bank.”
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