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        Fırat Kuruca Became the General Manager of Aksigorta

                                    As  part  of  the  integration  in, Fırat Kuruca, General Manager of Agesa, was appointed as
                                    efforts   within   Sabancı  the acting General Manager of Aksigorta in addition to his
                                    Holding’s      Financial  existing roles and responsibilities as of June 1, 2024.
                                    Services   Group,   Fırat
                                    Kuruca was appointed as  In line with the integration efforts within Sabancı Holding’s
                                    the acting general manager  Financial Services Group, Fırat Kuruca, who currently serves
                                    of  Aksigorta  in  addition  to  as  the  General  Manager  of  Agesa  and  the  acting  General
                                    his role and responsibilities  Manager  of  Aksigorta,  has  been  appointed  as  the  General
                                    as the General Manager  Manager of Aksigorta.
                                    of  Agesa  as  of  June  1,
                                    2024.  The  Sabancı  Group  Fırat  Kuruca  graduated  from  the  Business  Administration
                                    announced that Fırat Kuruca  Department  of  the  Faculty  of  Administrative  Sciences  at
                                    has been officially appointed  Boğaziçi University and began his professional career in 1989.
                                    as  the General  Manager of  He has held various positions in finance and administrative
                                    Aksigorta.               affairs both abroad and in Turkey. He joined AvivaSA in 2005
                                                             as the Deputy General Manager responsible for Finance and
        To leverage synergy opportunities within the companies of  was appointed as General Manager in 2017. Most recently,
        Sabancı Holding’s Financial Services Group and to ensure a  as  of  June  1,  2024,  he  took  on  the  role  of  acting  General
        structure  that  maximizes  the  effectiveness  of  the  insurance  Manager  at  Aksigorta  in  addition  to  his  existing  duties  and
        companies within the Sabancı Group in the markets they operate  responsibilities.

        The era of 100% digital BES has begun at BNP Paribas Cardif Emeklilik!

        The  digital  Individual  Retirement  System  (BES)  era  has
        begun at BNP Paribas Cardif Emeklilik. Now, it is possible to
        easily open a BES account and start saving through the Cardif
        Individual E-Branch, website, or directly via the CepteCardif

        BNP Paribas Cardif Emeklilik has launched the digital BES
        era.  As  a  complement  to  the  Social  Security  System,  BES
        stands out from other savings tools with important advantages
        such as incentives, professional fund management services,
        transparency, and government guarantees. Participation in the
        increasingly attractive Voluntary BES is rapidly rising. Those
        looking to save or aiming for retirement can now open a BES
        account with just a few clicks thanks to BNP Paribas Cardif
        Emeklilik’s digital innovation.                      BNP  Paribas  Cardif  Türkiye  Banka  Sigortacılığı  ve  Acente
                                                             Sigortacılığı Deputy General Manager Gökhan Sertsöz stated
        BNP Paribas Cardif Emeklilik customers can join the Individual   that they provide BES fund management through TEB Portföy
        Retirement System by clicking on “Individual Login” on the   Yönetimi A.Ş., an experienced and innovative company in the
        corporate  website  at   Portfolio Management sector, and that they have made their
        or by downloading the CepteCardif mobile application. After   investors smile with BNP Paribas Cardif Emeklilik BES funds.
        logging in, they can click the “Online Purchase” button on the   He emphasized that BNP Paribas Cardif Emeklilik customers
        screen to enroll. Once they open a BES account, they can start   have transformed their savings in BES into a highly appreciating
        saving by making a minimum monthly contribution of 600 TL   investment vehicle thanks to the company’s rewarding funds.
        using a credit card from any bank. In this way, BNP Paribas
        Cardif Emeklilik customers benefit from a 30% government   Gökhan  Sertsöz  stated  that  the  digital  BES  project  is  an
        contribution while also adding value to their savings through   important step  regarding  the growing insurance awareness,
        BNP Paribas Cardif Emeklilik’s rewarding retirement   changing trends, and diversifying needs in our country. He said,
        investment funds, in line with our mission to make insurance   “This project once again highlights the importance of customer-
        more accessible.                                     centric  approach,  digitization,  accessibility,  and  developing
                                                             streamlined processes, which we have emphasized for years.”
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