Page 13 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 13
Aksigorta Continues Its Aid to the Earthquake Region
As part of Aksigorta’s “Continue Life Turkey”
project, a Container Living Area with a capacity
of 115 households has been established following
the support provided in collaboration with İhtiyaç
Haritası (Needs Map) for those affected by the
earthquakes on February 6. The Living Area,
established with the dream of a better future for
those impacted by the earthquake, is planned to
host production and entrepreneurship activities,
particularly involving women.
Aksigorta launched the “Continue Life Turkey
- Earthquake Risk Transfer Project” last year,
which is a continuation of the “Continue Life development in the earthquake region, were
Turkey” project implemented between 2010 designed to host social programs and activities
and 2015. The project serves as a guide for that institutions and organizations want to
measures that can be taken against earthquakes carry out for the local residents. In this context,
and the necessity of transferring potential families, youth, children, and women living
risks to an insurance institution. As part of the in the surrounding area can benefit from the
project, a collaboration was established with activities conducted in these spaces. Following
İhtiyaç Haritası to create a relief fund for the the earthquakes on February 6, referred to as
earthquake-affected region. As the first step of the “disaster of the century,” production and
this relief fund, support for 20 container homes entrepreneurship activities, particularly involving
was provided with the assistance of İhtiyaç women, are also planned to take place in these
Haritası. living areas established in Kahramanmaraş.
Additionally, under the Needs Map
As part of the “Continue Life Turkey” project, Kahramanmaraş Container Living Area, women
where a portion of each housing policy is from surrounding neighborhoods and container
converted into support for the earthquake- cities will also be able to take advantage of the
affected region, Aksigorta provided 3 million opportunities and programs implemented here.
TL in support in collaboration with İhtiyaç
Haritası, aimed at improving the well-being of Preparation for disasters begins with insuring
the affected area based on 37,500 new policies. homes
This initiative allowed Aksigorta to transfer 69.9
billion TL in earthquake risk to itself, helping to As a country located on a fault line, Turkey is
heal the wounds of the earthquake and minimize still healing from the wounds of the February
potential damages in the event of a future 6 earthquakes, while also marking the 25th
earthquake. Consequently, Aksigorta supported anniversary of the August 17 Gölcük earthquake
the establishment and improvement of the this month. In addition, experts emphasize that
Living Area, which has the capacity to host 115 there is a 64% probability of an earthquake
households and is managed by İhtiyaç Haritası in of magnitude 7 occurring in Istanbul by 2030,
Kahramanmaraş. highlighting the critical importance of raising
earthquake awareness in society. Experts
Production and entrepreneurship activities remind us that preparedness for disasters is not
aimed at women are being supported only about survival but also about minimizing
material and emotional losses. They emphasize
The community centers within the Living Area, once again that individuals, families, homes,
expected to contribute to the economic, social, and businesses should be insured as a precaution
cultural, and civil society reconstruction and against potential disasters.