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             Katılım Emeklilik secures children’s education

             Katılım  Emeklilik  General  Manager   unexpected situations is by getting
             Ayhan  Sincek  stated  that  families’  insurance.   With   our   Education
             interest in education insurance has  Assurance  Life  Insurance  product,
             increased in recent years, saying,  we offer families the opportunity to
             “With our Education Assurance Life  financially secure their children’s
             Insurance and School Installment  education against potential risks.”
             Life Insurance products, we secure
             children’s education against potential  The   Education   Assurance   Life
             risks.  We  ensure  that  children  can  Insurance product guarantees that the
             continue their school life without  child can continue their education in
             interruption in the face of difficult  cases where the parent is unable to
             situations  that  families  may   work due to disability or in the event
             encounter.”                       of  death.  Additionally,  it  provides
                                               coverage against permanent disability
             Katılım  Emeklilik  General  Manager  resulting  from  an  accident,  ensuring
             Ayhan  Sincek  stated  that  they  financial  security.  Thanks  to  the
             aim  to  offer  privileged  services  Education Assurance Life Insurance,
             to  policyholders  at  the  most  the  predetermined  amount  in  the
             affordable prices, saying, “With  policy designated for covering the
             our  life  insurance  products,  which  child’s education expenses is paid   Financial support is provided to
             are compliant with the principles  to  the  child’s  legal  heirs.  Healthy   ensure the child can continue their
             of  interest-free  insurance  and  have  individuals  between  the  ages  of  18   education.
             received the necessary approvals, we  and  65  can  benefit  from  education
             are always by our policyholders’ side  insurance products for their children.  With the School Installment Life
             when  they  need  us.  In  line  with  this                          Insurance, financial support is also
             approach, we continue to diversify  Under  the  Education  Assurance   provided in cases of death, permanent
             our product portfolio based on their  Insurance, if the parent responsible   disability, or unemployment due
             needs.  The  interest  and  demand  for  the  child’s  education  passes   to an accident, allowing the child
             for  our  Education  Assurance  Life  away, the death benefit specified in   to  continue  their  education.  The
             Insurance and School Installment Life  the policy is paid to the beneficiary   insurance,  which  has  a  one-year
             Insurance products, which we created  or, if no beneficiary is specified, to   duration, ensures that compensation
             for families who want to secure their  the legal heirs. This ensures that the   is paid to the policyholder or legal
             children’s education as much as their  student can continue their education   heir in the event of sudden or
             health, continue to grow every day. So  without interruption. The Permanent   permanent disability within two years
             far, we have introduced over 42,000  Disability  Benefit  due  to  Accident   due to an accident, with the amount
             families to our education insurance,  ensures that the amount specified in   depending on the degree of disability.
             securing their children’s educational  the policy is paid to the insured in the   Installment payments made through
             journey.”                         event of permanent disability during   banks’ automatic installment systems
                                               the  insurance  period.  Depending  on   at partner educational institutions
             The coverage amount can be deter-  the  child’s  education  duration,  the   are secured. If the parent responsible
             mined by the participants         insurance policy can be arranged   for the child’s education becomes
                                               for a period between 2 and 20      unemployed, as specified in the
             Emphasizing  the  significant  role  of  years,  according  to  preference.  The   policy, a maximum of four months of
             education insurance in ensuring a  coverage  amount  can  be  determined   installments is paid to the bank. The
             secure  future  for  children,  Ayhan  by participants based on the annual   coverage amounts are determined
             Sincek stated, “The way to financially  education expenses and the insurance   based on the annual education costs.
             protect  our    children  against  period at the start of the policy.
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