Page 12 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 12
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‘’The insurance sector stands by its citizens during every earthquake’’
raise awareness of insurance after stated, “We do not have a
the earthquake and to develop moment to lose to complete our
solutions aimed at minimizing the preparations in our country, which
financial losses of our people.” is located in an earthquake zone.
Uğur Gülen emphasized that the In the event of an earthquake
Compulsory Earthquake Insurance centered in Istanbul, economic
(DASK) program initiated after the impacts are expected depending
1999 Marmara Earthquake is of on the magnitude and epicenter of
great importance in ensuring that the quake. The Marmara Region
our citizens are better protected houses 30% of our country’s
against natural disasters such as population. As the insurance sector,
earthquakes. we continue to work intensively not
only on the efforts following the
Gülen added: “Over the past 25 1999 Marmara earthquake but
years, we have undertaken many also after the Maraş earthquakes
projects in collaboration with our that affected 11 provinces of our
stakeholders in the sector to raise country last year.”
insurance awareness, diversify
insurance products, and facilitate Gülen spoke about the insurance
access to insurance for our citizens. sector’s efforts in preparation for
In our country, which is located a potential Marmara earthquake,
Uğur Gülen, President of the in a region with high earthquake stating: “Our companies have
Turkish Insurance Association risk, the importance of insurance purchased higher reinsurance
(TSB), made a statement on the is becoming increasingly evident protections based on the lessons
25th anniversary of the Marmara every day. With this awareness, learned from the Maraş earthquake,
Earthquake, saying, “The August we are continuously working to and they continue to increase their
17, 1999, Marmara earthquake, strengthen the insurance sector, capacities while developing the
which resulted in significant loss expand the scope of insurance, and content and structure of insurance
of life and property, will always reach all segments of society. On products to provide higher levels
remain in our memories as a this occasion, we remember with of protection against earthquake
painful reminder of the reality of compassion our citizens who lost risk. We are working to raise
earthquakes. The 25 years that their lives in the 1999 Marmara awareness among our policyholders
have passed remind us once again Earthquake and wish patience regarding the earthquake
that instead of forgetting this to those left behind. I want to coverage in their policies. Across
painful experience, we must learn emphasize that, as the insurance our country, the entire sector is
from it and look towards the future sector, we will continue to fulfill engaged in promotional activities
more securely.” all our responsibilities to lead our to raise earthquake awareness.
country and our people towards a While accelerating our business
On the occasion of the 25th safer future.” continuity efforts for potential
anniversary of the Marmara disasters and the possible Marmara
Earthquake, Uğur Gülen, “We are continuously working earthquake, we are reviewing
President of the Turkish Insurance towards a potential Marmara our business processes. We are
Association (TSB), stated, “In our earthquake” working to establish a coordination
country, which is shaken by major framework with all partners for
earthquakes approximately every TSB President Gülen, highlighting potential earthquakes, and our
10 years, we have strived to fulfill that the likelihood of a major insurance data analytics efforts
our responsibilities as the insurance Marmara earthquake is increasing for earthquake awareness and
sector to the best of our ability. daily and that experts are drawing preparedness continue to be
We have taken significant steps to attention to potential dangers, addressed by industry committees.”