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          Unico Sigorta’s Special Coverage for Children: ‘’İlk Sigortam’’

          (My First Insurance)

          Unico Sigorta is introducing ‘’İlk Sigortam’’ (My First
          Insurance), a product specially designed for children, to
          contribute significantly to the development of insurance
          awareness among its customers.

          Designed to support the development of insurance
          awareness  among  children  and  provide  additional
          security  for  parents,  the  “İlk  Sigortam”  product  will
          cover material and bodily damages that children may
          cause while at daycare, school, or on a school bus. This
          insurance is offered at an advantageous premium rate and
          can be easily accessed through all agents.
                                                             Birol  Balık,  the  Director  of  Strategy  and  Business
          The  “İlk  Sigortam”  product  will  provide  coverage  for   Development  at  Unico  Sigorta,  expressed  the  following
          situations such as breaking a window or cabinet at school,   about  the  “İlk  Sigortam”  product:  “With  this  special
          tearing a friend’s jacket, or accidentally damaging a bus   product that we are introducing to  our  customers in
          seat.                                              September, coinciding with Insurance Week, we aim to
                                                             instill insurance awareness and consciousness from a
          As part of the launch, every “İlk Sigortam” policy will   young age. At the same time, we will alleviate families’
          be transformed into a sapling in the Memorial Forest   concerns about potential damages their children may
          created in the name of Unico Sigorta and its agents!
                                                             unintentionally  cause  at  school  or  on  the  bus.  On  the
                                                             other hand, we are also excited to implement our goal of
          With the aim of leaving a greener, breathable world for   protecting nature and leaving a greener world for future
          future generations, a tree will be planted for each policy   generations through this first insurance for our children.
          purchased, contributing to the Unico Sigorta and Agents   At  Unico  Sigorta,  we  always  strive  to  provide  people-
          Memorial Forest.                                   centered solutions that meet the needs of society.”

            The TSB has published the 2023 Industry Report

                                             data covering all insurance branches  developments  and  regulatory
                                             in which the Turkish insurance    arrangements  on   the   sector,
                                             sector operated in 2023, including   highlighting the steps taken by
                                             evaluations by branch and regarding  the Turkish insurance industry
                                             the  individual  pension  system.    It  towards sustainable growth, which
                                             analyzes  economic  and  financial  is becoming increasingly important.
                                             developments worldwide, as well
                                             as the current status of global  As the insurance sector continues to
                                             insurance markets, and shares TSB’s  play a critical role in maintaining
                                             expectations and forecasts for the  economic stability by providing
                                             insurance sector for 2024.        security in the risk management
            The  Turkey  Insurance  Association                                processes  of  both  individuals
            (TSB) has shared the 2023 industry   The  2023 report indicates  a   and  institutions,  the  Turkey
            report with the public, which serves   significant increase in  the  sector’s   Insurance  Association  emphasizes
            as an important reference source for   total premium production, the  its commitment to supporting
            national and international insurance   acceleration   of   digitalization  policyholders, increasing savings for
            activities involving the insurance   processes, and a focus on enhancing  retirement, contributing to economic
            sector’s annual operations.      customer  satisfaction  initiatives.  growth, and enhancing the sector’s
                                             The report also addresses the  competitiveness on the international
            The report provides comprehensive   effects of national and international  stage.
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