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Dear Readers,

        For the September issue of Turkinsurance, we have prepared  um production in the insurance sector increased by 80.68%
        an issue full of news, articles, analyses and researches to shed  compared to the second quarter of 2023 and reached 380
        light on Turkish insurance and pension markets.      billion 393 million TL. During this period, the premium pro-
                                                             duction in non-life branches increased by 81.32% to TL 337
        S&P Global’s Top Geopolitical Risks for 2024 report high-  billion 49 million, while the premium production in the life
        lights numerous interconnected threats and underscores  branch increased by 75.91% to TL 43 billion 343 million.
        the importance of international collaboration in overcom-
        ing them. In a world rapidly shifting from globalization to  In the Private Pension System, the fund amount of the par-
        geopolitics—exacerbated  by  shocks  such  as  the  COVID-19  ticipants in the first 7 months of 2024 exceeded 987 billion
        pandemic  and  the  ongoing  Russia-Ukraine  conflict—glob-  TL. In the first 6 months of the year, stock funds were the
        al structures and relationships are undergoing a profound  fund group that gave the most to its investors with a return
        transformation. Key risks identified for 2024 include Rus-  rate of 55.39 percent, while the fund group with the highest
        sia-NATO tensions, cybersecurity threats, U.S.-China strate-  occupancy rate was precious metals funds.
        gic competition, deglobalization, and climate-related risks.
                                                             In the Individual Retirement System, the total fund size of
        In the second quarter of the year, total premium production  participants reached 987.6 billion TL by the end of the first
        in the insurance sector increased by 80.68% compared to the  seven months of 2024. In the first half of the year, the funds
        same period last year, reaching 380 billion 393 million TL.  that generated the highest proportional returns were respec-
        During this period, the largest increase in premium produc-  tively: equity funds, mixed & flexible funds, fund of funds,
        tion was observed in the fire and natural disasters and health  participation funds, precious metals, and fixed income in-
        sectors, while liability insurance and health insurance were  struments funds.
        the sectors with the most significant growth.
                                                             Hope to meet with the next issue
        According to the data announced by the Insurance Association
        of Turkey (T.S.B.) at the end of June 2024, the total premi-  Your sincerely
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