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        AXA Turkey Continues to Train the Insurers of the Future

                                                              programs each year. I extend my gratitude to our graduates
                                                              for their dedication and care throughout their training and
                                                              congratulate  them  on  their  successes.  At  AXA  Turkey,  we
                                                              take great pride in making sustainable contributions to the
                                                              development of the insurance sector.”

                                                              AXA  Turkey’s  Human  Resources  President  Zeynep  Ergenç
                                                              stated  that  their  training  program  provides  agents  with
                                                              opportunities for development in various fields and said: “We
                                                              are delighted and excited to see the continued growth of the
                                                              Future  Faculty  for  Sustainable  Development  and  Growth.
                                                              Our motivation to present our agents with a program richer
                                                              than the previous year stems from this excitement. Because
                                                              learning and evolving are endless journeys, we truly believe
        AXA Turkey’s “Future Faculty for Sustainable Development  that the knowledge and experience gained during the program
        and  Growth,”  developed  to  create  lasting  solutions  for  the  will bring success to our graduates in their future professional
        insurance sector, continues to train the next generation of  lives.  Under  the  umbrella  of  AXA  Competence  Academy
        insurers. In collaboration with Bogazici University’s Lifelong  (AYA), part of our vision to become the industry’s premier
        Learning Center, the program aims to provide professional  academy, we launched AXA Agent Campus to support not
        development  for  the  company’s  agents  and  prepare  future  only our graduates but all our agents in their development
        agents  for  the  challenges  ahead.  The  “Future  Faculty  for  journeys  and  prepare  them  for  the  future.  Congratulations
        Sustainable Development and Growth” has been graduating  to the graduates of the Future Faculty for Sustainable
        students for 4 years.                                 Development and Growth for the 2023-2024 term.”

        Under  the  umbrella  of  AXA  Turkey’s  “Future  Faculty,”  AXA  Turkey  agents  participating  in  the  Future  Faculty  for
        launched in 2019, the programs “Gelecek Sensin” (You are  Sustainable Development and Growth program not only receive
        the  Future)  and  “Yükselen  Yıldızlar”  (Rising  Stars)  have  academic  lessons  from  expert  trainers  at  Bogazici  University
        graduated their classes for the 2023-2024 period. Progressing  in areas such as business, finance, marketing, sales, customer
        steadily  on  the  journey  of  sustainable  development  and  experience, and communication but also have the opportunity to
        growth,  the  company  has  supported  the  development  of  its  receive training from AXA Turkey executives. At the graduation
        professional  agents  and  strengthened  distribution  channels.  ceremony, the project leader Sevil Düral, who is the Director of
        As part of this initiative, AXA Turkey has graduated a total  Bank and Financial Institutions and Sales Channels Development
        of 150 participants so far.                           at AXA Turkey, made the following statements regarding the
                                                              trainings: “We update the curriculum of our faculty annually
        Sanem Çıngay Buçukoğlu, AXA Turkey’s Sales, Marketing,  in  line  with  evolving  technology  and  changing  customer
        and Health President, emphasized that agents who successfully  expectations.  This  year,  our  program  included  courses  that
        complete  the  “Gelecek  Sensin”  (You  are  the  Future)  and  have recently gained prominence in the insurance sector, such
        “Yükselen  Yıldızlar”  (Rising  Stars)  training  programs  as ‘Green Insurances,’ ‘Fraud Claims,’ and ‘Actuarial Studies.’
        within the “Future Faculty for Sustainable Development and  Additionally, we have added the academic training ‘Economic,
        Growth,” the first faculty registered by a brand in the Turkish  Social,  Environmental  Uncertainties,  and  Sustainability’
        insurance sector, will play significant roles in their careers  provided by Boğaziçi University. For the 2024-2025 academic
        and said: “In line with our brand purpose of Protecting What  year, we plan to make further adjustments to our training topics
        Matters  Most  for  Humanity’s  Development,  we  believe  our  based on current needs. Our faculty has a significant mission
        business extends beyond the products and services we offer.  to educate both today’s and tomorrow’s professional insurers.
        Developing  projects  that  create  value  for  our  customers,  To  date,  we  have  graduated  150  of  our  agents.  Students
        society,  environment,  and  equally  for  our  agents  is  crucial  who  complete  our  program  form  the  Future  Faculty  Alumni
        for the sustainability of our industry. Since 2019, our faculty  Community together. Being part of this community is valuable
        has  been  dedicated  to  fostering  a  different  perspective  as it allows us to feel the high energy created by our graduates
        to contribute to the professional growth of our agents,  and ensures continuous communication. I thank all our alumni
        enhancing  their  competencies,  and  helping  them  discover  for their dedication to this purpose and wish them success in
        their potentials. We continue to see increasing interest in our  their careers in the insurance industry.”
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