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                “Katılım Sağlık” Assurance for Your International Travel

               Ayhan  Sincek,  General  Manager  of  Katılım  Emeklilik,
               said, “Since May of last year, we have been one of the
               top 10 fastest-growing companies in the sector, with a
               133%  increase  in  total  premium  production  over  the
               past year. We are always by the side of our policyholders
               with our health insurance products that meet every need
               and complement each other.”

               As the pioneer of participation-based health insurance,
               Katılım Emeklilik offers interest-free products tailored
               to different needs in health insurance, with affordable
               premiums  and  high-quality  healthcare  services.  Ayhan
               Sincek, General Manager of Katılım Emeklilik, expressed
               his pleasure at being among the top 10 fastest-growing
               companies in health insurance with the ‘Katılım Sağlık’
               brand, saying, “Since May of last year, we have achieved   Luggage Loss and Delay Coverage, among others. The
               a 133% increase in total premium production, reaching   policy provides coverage for sudden illnesses and medical
               approximately  900  million  TL  in  premiums.  With  the   emergencies during travel, including medical treatment
               distinctive  product  portfolio  of  our  “Katılım  Sağlık’   expenses, transportation to the nearest healthcare
               brand,  we  are  expanding  our  market  share.  Our  aim   facility, and transfer to the insured’s home address after
               is  to  make  participation-based  health  insurance  more   treatment.  This  insurance  offers  essential  protections
               widespread in Turkey by being there for our policyholders   against the financial costs associated with health
               in every aspect of life. We are also setting and pursuing   problems encountered abroad. Additionally, the insurance
               our future goals in this direction.”               covers  losses  caused  by  travel  delays  and  prevents  the
                                                                  loss of visa validity due to delays. It also covers damages
               Interest  in  International  Travel  Health  Insurance  is   related to lost, stolen, or damaged luggage and offers
               Increasing                                         assistance  to  get  the  luggage  to  the  policyholder.  This
               According to data from the Turkish Insurance Association   product  is  available  for  purchase  online  through  the
               (TSB), the number of people purchasing travel insurance   Katılım Emeklilik website, allowing you to buy it as you
               in the first three months of 2024 reached 951,543. With   plan your travels.
               the  increasing  requirement  for  travel  health  insurance
               in  many  countries,  including  those  for  Schengen  visas,   Always by Your Side in Emergencies
               and the rise  in  awareness  among  consumers  about
               travel  protection,  international  travel  health  insurance   Katılım  Emeklilik’s  Emergency  Health  Insurance,  a
               continues to become more widespread. Katılım Emeklilik   different product from their standard health insurance,
               is  safeguarding  participants’  international  travels   offers significant advantages for all types of diagnoses
               with  its  International  Travel  Health  Insurance,  which   and  treatments,  providing  financial  protection  for
               is part of their health insurance portfolio that offers   your  health  needs.  With  affordable  premiums,  this
               services  suitable  for  everyone  and  every  situation.   insurance  ensures  your  health  coverage  with  benefits
               With  an  interest-free  insurance  approach,  it  provides   including unlimited online health packages, free dental
               numerous advantages such as Trip Cancellation and Visa   health  services,  24/7  ambulance  services,  and  medical
               Denial Coverage, which are not available in most other   consultation  services.  Katılım  Emeklilik’s  Emergency
               products, thus supporting insured individuals during their   Health Insurance addresses financial concerns related to
               international travels.                             sudden illnesses or accidents and facilitates easier access
                                                                  to healthcare services. The insurance covers a variety of
               Advantageous International Travel Health Insurance   emergency  medical  services  including  emergency  room
               from Katılım Emeklilik                             visits,  intensive  care  treatments,  surgeries,  and  other
                                                                  necessary  medical  interventions.  By  providing  high-
               Katılım  Emeklilik’s  International  Travel  Health   quality,  solution-focused  services,  Katılım  Emeklilik
               Insurance offers a range of benefits including Medical   supports you through unexpected health issues or
               Treatment  and  Transfer,  Property  Damage  Coverage,   accidents, ensuring you are not alone during emergencies.
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