Page 16 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 16

16 interview

     Long-Term Collaboration Between Agito

     and Near East Group Adds Value to the

     TRNC Insurance Sector!

     How  did  the  collaboration  between  Agito  and  Near  East   “Our main goal is to support the
     Group begin?
                                                                    synergy of our institution, our
     Dr. Enver Haskasap, Chairman of the Board of Near            experienced team, and our strong
     East Bank:
                                                               capital structure with Agito solutions
     The most significant factor that initiated this collaboration was   and to offer groundbreaking practices
     the Near East Group's aim for innovation and its commitment to
     making a difference in the industry.                          in the TRNC insurance sector.”

     Near East Life and Near East Insurance companies, which are  In our search for a technology partner aligned with our vision,
     part of the Near East organization leading the sector with its  we crossed paths with Agito. Our primary aim was to support the
     pioneering innovations and solutions, set out to develop systems  synergy of our institution, our experienced team, and our strong
     and  products  that  enable  TRNC  citizens  to  save  and  protect  capital structure with Agito solutions, which have proven their
     themselves against various risks. In this journey, we began our  leadership in Turkey, and to deliver innovative applications in
     search for a business partner who could align our business pro-  the TRNC insurance sector. In the meetings where we thoroughly
     cesses with the standards of the changing world to best serve our  explained our needs both as a sector and as a company, we saw
     customers.                                               that Agito's business principles and end-to-end solutions aligned
                                                              with our requirements. Thanks to these shared values, our digital
                                                              transformation process progressed rapidly.

                                                              Agito CEO Mutlu Uğursal:

                                                               "From our first meeting with the Near
                                                                East Group, we mutually recognized
                                                                 the need for significant steps to be
                                                               taken towards the digitalization of the

                                                                 rapidly developing insurance sector
                                                                 in the Turkish Republic of Northern

                                                              For over 27 years, we have been a partner in the digital transfor-
                                                              mation journey of the Turkish insurance sector with our 360-de-
                                                              gree solutions. As part of our global growth strategy, which we
                                                              began in 2017, we aimed to present this vision, which we have
                                                              successfully  pursued  for  years,  on  the  international  stage.  To
                                                              achieve this goal, we initially started by listening to the digi-
                                                              talization needs of the insurance sector in nearby geographies.
                                                              Our aim was to deliver the products we have developed to glob-
                                                              al standards to these markets, helping leading insurance com-
                                                              panies capture digital momentum. One of the first companies
                                                              we started discussions with in this context was the Near East
                                                              Group, which has always differentiated itself as a sector leader.

                                                              From our first meeting with Near East Group, we were mutually
                                                              aware of the need for significant steps towards the digitalization
                                                              of the rapidly developing insurance sector in the Turkish Repub-
                                                              lic of Northern Cyprus. Thanks to our expertise and technologi-
                                                              cal competence, as well as Near East’s innovative and proactive
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