Page 14 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 14

14 at a glance

        Ahmet Yaşar evaluated the Turkish insurance sector: “There is no saving by avoiding
        insurance; savings are made with insurance.”

                                                              trillion. Therefore, the insurance sector continues to grow in real
                                                              terms. Although we have grown by about 90% nominally, we
                                                              have achieved a real growth of around 11-12%. Last year, we
                                                              reached the highest penetration rate in the last 10 years, but
                                                              the current position of the insurance sector is not where we
                                                              deserve to be. We are talking about a sector that has grown from
                                                              approximately 2 billion dollars to an average of 20 billion dollars
                                                              over the last 20 years. Even though the position of the Turkish
                                                              economy in the world varies between 16th and 20th place, the
                                                              insurance sector is ranked 37th globally. We should at least be in
                                                              the top 20. We are striving for this.”
                                                              “Obstacles related to regulations are being overcome.”

       Ahmet  Yaşar,  Vice  President  of  the  Insurance  Association  of  Ahmet  Yaşar,  addressing  the  obstacles  to  the  sector’s
       Turkey and President of Maher Holding Insurance Group, was  advancement in rankings, stated, “There were certain obstacles
       the guest on the first day of CNBC-e’s resumption of broadcasting  related to regulations. These are gradually being overcome. The
       in Turkey after nine years. He stated that the Turkish insurance  General  Conditions  for  Building  Completion  Insurance  have
       sector aims to be among the top 20 in the world. Ahmet Yaşar,  been  published.  Various  regulations  regarding  this  are  being
       who  stated,  “There  is  no  saving  from  insurance  premiums;  implemented with great efforts from our Insurance and Pension
       savings are made with insurance,” emphasized the importance  Regulation and Supervision Agency (SDDK) and the Insurance
       of insurance in life. He also answered questions about DASK and  Association  of  Turkey.  In  addition,  increasing  income  is
       Compulsory Disaster Insurance (ZAS), which have been recent  important. Turkish insurance companies actually have very good
       topics of interest.                                    products and technological infrastructure in the entire financial
                                                              sector, similar to banks. Therefore, we don’t actually have much
       Ahmet  Yaşar,  Vice  President  of  the  Insurance  Association  of a problem in terms of product variety and access to products.
       of  Turkey  and  President  of  Maher  Holding  Insurance  Group,  However, outside of compulsory insurance, the rate of insurance
       appeared on CNBC-e and made significant assessments about the  coverage for other insurance products is not very high. At least,
       performance and future of the Turkish insurance sector for 2024.  it’s not at the levels we expect. As a developing country, we need
       Sharing  comprehensive  information  about  the  sector’s  growth  to further increase these rates.”
       figures, obstacles, and future goals, Ahmet Yaşar evaluated the
       sector’s performance in light of the financial data from the first  “The insured damage ratio should increase in disasters.”
       half of 2024.
                                                              Ahmet  Yaşar,  noting  that  “both  the  number  and  intensity
       Ahmet  Yaşar  stated,  “The  more  the  gross  national  product  of  disasters  are  increasing,”  emphasized  that  the  insurance
       (GNP) grows, the more the insurance sector grows. If it shrinks,  sector  needs  to  adapt  to  this  reality.  He  mentioned,  “Risks
       the  insurance  sector  shrinks  even  faster.  There  is  actually  an  that  were  once  considered  distant  are  now  happening.  Floods
       incorrect correlation here. It shouldn’t be this way,” and added:  are devastating Germany, a country we used to think was safe
       “Because when things go bad, insurance should become more  from  such  risks.  Areas  we  thought  were  desert  countries  are
       valuable. There is no saving from insurance premiums. Savings  experiencing flash floods. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and the like are
       are  made  with  insurance  premiums.  Eliminating  the  current  now seen in Turkey as well.  Globally, disasters are increasing in
       account  deficit  can  be  achieved  with  long-term,  high-quality  both frequency and severity, causing more damage. Therefore,
       insurance  funds,  individual  retirement  funds,  and  savings-  we need to take advantage of insurance instruments in all these
       enhanced insurance funds. We believe that as our country’s GNP  processes.”
       grows in the coming period, the insurance sector will gain more
       momentum and we will reach larger funds.”              Ahmet Yaşar highlighted that Turkey faced an economic damage
                                                              of 103 billion dollars from earthquakes affecting 11 provinces,
       “The insurance sector should be in the top 20”         stating:  “Only  5  billion  dollars  of  this  was  insured  damage.
                                                              However, during the same period, there was a global economic
       Ahmet  Yaşar  stated  that  as  of  the  end  of  April,  the  Turkish  damage of 380 billion dollars, including Turkey. Of this, 118
       insurance sector had achieved a total production of 258 billion  billion  dollars,  or  30%,  was  insured  damage  globally.  When
       lira. He discussed the matter as follows:              we exclude Turkey, the insured damage rate in the world rises
                                                              to 40%. Our country is not benefiting enough from insurance
       “Of the 258 billion, 230 billion comes from non-life insurance,  instruments. You know, both last year and this year, we had to
       and around 28 billion comes from life insurance. Last month,  allocate 1.8 trillion lira from the budget for the earthquake that
       our funds in the Individual Retirement System surpassed the 1  shook 11 provinces. So, in reality, we are not avoiding this cost
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