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     by avoiding insurance premiums. As citizens, we have to take on this  institution  that  tracks  documents  between  insurance  companies
     cost again through taxes. If we take on this cost through insurance,  and regulatory authorities. He stated, “Insurance is constantly on
     we not only involve reinsurers and foreigners in sharing this risk but  the agenda, risks are changing, and climate change is constantly
     also create a budgetable and predictable situation.”    evolving. Everything is changing. Insurance continues to exist in
                                                             some form, and we will strive to demonstrate our pioneering and
     “Compulsory Disaster Insurance should cover all disasters.”  visionary role towards this existence.”

     Ahmet  Yaşar  referred  to  statements  made  by  Mehmet  Şimşek,  “Our perspective is preventive insurance, damage compensa-
     Minister of Treasury and Finance, regarding Compulsory Disaster  tion, and fund creation.”
     Insurance, saying:
                                                             Ahmet  Yaşar  emphasized  Maher  Holding’s  focus  on  preventive
     “After the Gölcük and Marmara earthquakes, the issue of DASK  insurance, stating, “Insurance companies used to compensate for
     came to our agenda, and it has been part of our lives since the legal  damages after they occurred. We have highlighted the preventive
     regulations implemented in 2000. Initially, earthquake insurance  insurance  function  even  more.  Our  job  is  already  to  compensate
     was mandatory. Although the institution is named Natural Disaster  insured losses after they occur, which is the easiest part of
     Insurance,  it  has  been  focused  on  earthquake  insurance  and  the job. Now, we are focusing more on how these losses can be
     providing coverage for buildings up until now. Now, for example,  prevented  through  preventive  insurance  functions  before  they
     complaints occasionally arise, especially in the Black Sea region.  occur. Additionally, as I mentioned earlier, insurers also have a
     There, the risk of floods is greater compared to earthquake risks.  role in fund management and fund creation. Therefore, we have
     Therefore, it is said, ‘We have this mandatory insurance, but if our  renewed our perspective to focus on preventive insurance, damage
     house is flooded and we do not have optional home insurance, we  compensation, and fund creation; we have made it more suitable for
     cannot cover our damage.’ Taking these situations and increasing  the modern age.”
     natural disasters into account, some efforts had been initiated
     towards transforming DASK into Compulsory Disaster Insurance.  “The Turkish insurance sector is very advanced.”
     These efforts have not been completed yet. The secondary legislation
     has not been regulated yet. At the same time, after these regulations  Ahmet Yaşar pointed out that in America, insurers are now using
     are made and the law is passed, insurance companies also need to  scores for drivers, stating, “In fact, the Turkish insurance sector is
     position themselves accordingly. We have concerns about whether  very advanced. Through initiatives starting with TRAMER (Traffic
     this will be completed by July 1st. In addition, the relationships  Insurance Information Center) and continuing as the Insurance
     between the old DASK and the new Compulsory Disaster Insurance  Information Center, we have been working for years to distinguish
     need to be regulated. As the Insurance Association of Turkey and  between  good  and  bad  drivers.  One  of  the  reasons  we  keep  the
     the insurance sector, we not only want earthquakes but also other  liberal tariff system so prominent, especially in motor insurance,
     natural disasters such as floods, landslides, avalanches, and hail  is  for  that  purpose.  However,  we  sometimes  face  pressure  from
     to  be  included  in  the  coverage.  Therefore,  we  believe  that  this  civil  society  organizations,  particularly  those  representing  driver
     regulation will be beneficial, but we have some concerns about the  associations.  For  example,  there  are  insured  individuals  who
     timing. Otherwise, it will be a good practice.”         have been involved in accidents 13 times a year for the past 13
                                                             years. Therefore, they need to be eliminated from the system by
     “Turkey Insurance Association’s agenda has five main topics.”  not insuring them or improving their driving skills through good
                                                             driving  education.  However,  the  system  stops  you  at  a  certain
     Yaşar  highlighted  the  longstanding  and  pioneering  role  of  the  point and actually allows good drivers to share the risks of these
     Insurance Association of Turkey in the Turkish insurance sector,  bad drivers in their premiums. We have a different perspective on
     stating, “We held our general assembly on April 18, and under the  this. I think they are introducing this practice in America as well.
     leadership of Mr. Uğur Gülen, a new board of directors was formed.  The Insurance Information Center is a unique and very important
     There is a dual structure; there is a management committee dedicated  structure that has no equivalent in the world. Therefore, because
     to non-life insurance and another for life and pension insurance.  they don’t have access to this information like we do, they want to
     Their presidents and vice presidents, along with Mr. Uğur, form  access it through various assumptions and scores. Our Insurance
     the  board  of  directors.  We  have  identified  five  main  topics.  At  Information Center’s work in this regard needs to be improved with
     the forefront is, of course, the issue of earthquakes, which could  some regulatory adjustments.”
     pose a real existential threat. With the publication of the General
     Conditions  for  Building  Completion,  we  have  prioritized  urban  “The increase in assets affected insurance premiums”
     transformation  and  collectively  addressing  the  earthquake  issue.
     Apart from earthquakes, education is a key topic on our agenda.  Ahmet  Yaşar  also  pointed  out  that  insurance  premiums  have
     Increasing insurance coverage is also among our main priorities,  changed with the increase in assets, stating: “The premium prices
     along with sustainability. Of course, for a long time, there has been  in the sector did not increase significantly. Apart from the increase
     a lot of focus on traffic insurance, which has taken up a significant  in fire prices due to developments in reinsurance, the asset values
     amount of insurers’ time. We are not pushing it completely into the  of  individuals  and  businesses  actually  increased.  As  investments
     background, but it is not among these four main topics. However,  increased, so did assets, and this resulted in higher premiums. The
     we cannot ignore its importance.”                       asset  values  of  businesses  and  individuals  have  increased.  Both
                                                             due to the inflation effect and the exchange rate... Therefore, as
     Ahmet  Yaşar  noted  that  in  the  coming  period,  the  Insurance  investments increase, so do assets. Even though our multiplier price
     Association  of  Turkey  will  move  away  from  being  merely  an  remains unchanged, premiums are growing.”
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