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        Unico Sigorta takes its place in the Teknokent for Technological Transformation and
        Innovative Solutions!

        On  June  13,  2024,  Unico  Sigorta  inaugurated  its  new
        teknokent office at the Dijitalpark Teknokent in Ataşehir.
        Unico  Sigorta,  offering  innovative  insurance  products
        and  services  to  support  sustainable  growth,  has  signed
        an  agreement  with  Dijitalpark  Teknokent,  which  was
        established as a technology development zone in 2019 and
        has  been  growing  every  day  since  its  inception  in  2020,
        making  significant  contributions  to  Turkey’s  technological
        and economic life in a short period.

        In an effort to address systemic challenges faced by the   and  efficiency  in  the  insurance  sector.  Today,  developing
        insurance sector, Unico Sigorta has rolled up its sleeves and   innovative  technology  has  become  crucial  in  combating
        opened  a  new  teknokent  office  at  the  Ataşehir  Campus  in   performance inefficiencies and high-cost disadvantages. We
        collaboration  with  Dijitalpark  Teknokent.  The  team  of  25   aim  to  collaborate  with  Dijitalpark  Teknokent  to  enhance
        people  working  in  Unico  Sigorta’s  information  technology   fundamental insurance systems, design innovative products,
        department will actively participate in projects at the new   and engage in innovation.”
        teknokent office.
                                                             Güzeler said, “With our new projects to be implemented at
        During  the  opening  ceremony,  Unico  Sigorta  CEO  Ender   the teknokent office, we aim to digitally transform insurance
        Güzeler  stated:  “The  insurance  sector  in  Turkey  is   processes end-to-end and meet the software needs of the
        continually growing, and alongside this growth, there is   sector. Additionally, we will integrate artificial intelligence
        an  increasing  demand  for  insurance  software.  Traditional   into this system to develop a model capable of self-adaptation
        software  solutions,  relying  on  outdated  technologies,  have   to real-time developments, as well as making identifications
        not  fully  delivered  the  expected  progress  in  innovation   and predictions. Our goal is to create value for both Unico
                                                             Sigorta and the industry as a whole.”

        Türkiye Sigorta Travel Health Insurance makes vacations safer!

        As the holiday season begins, Türkiye Sigorta Travel Health  cancellation expenses due to force majeure, medical consultation,
        Insurance  provides  financial  security  against  unexpected  emergency message transmission, baggage loss or damage, and
        situations such as sudden illness or accidents during domestic  arrangement for medication delivery. For domestic travel, it
        and  international  travel,  ensuring  travelers  can  enjoy  their  covers  sudden  illness  and  medical  treatment,  repatriation  to
        holidays with peace of mind.                         the nearest healthcare facility, repatriation to the insured’s
                                                             residence after discharge, and baggage loss or damage risks.
        Summer months are an exciting time for many people making  Additionally, Türkiye Sigorta Travel Health Insurance offers
        travel  plans.  However,  being  cautious  against  unexpected  assistance services such as locating and delivering lost baggage,
        situations such as health issues, baggage loss, or theft during  transmitting  emergency  messages,  and  providing  medical
        vacations is crucial. Therefore, obtaining travel health insurance  consultation.  It  also  covers  hotel  and  other  accommodation
        emerges as a key to enjoying a peaceful and safe holiday.    expenses if the stay abroad is extended due to illness or injury,
                                                             as well as arrangements for medication delivery.
        Türkiye  Sigorta  Travel  Health  Insurance  product  provides
        financial and emotional support in unforeseen circumstances,
        ensuring the traveler’s health and losses are protected during
        their journeys. Türkiye Sigorta Travel Health Insurance covers
        unexpected expenses such as medical treatment, hospitalization,
        repatriation to the insured’s residence, and travel to the country
        where a family member is located. It protects the insured from
        financial  worries,  especially  during  travels  to  countries  with
        high healthcare costs, providing significant financial support.
        Türkiye  Sigorta  Travel  Health  Insurance  provides  various
        coverage for international travel, including medical treatment
        expenses, repatriation to the nearest healthcare facility,
        repatriation to the insured’s residence after discharge,
        accommodation for family members, delay due to overbooking,
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