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             IMC Sigorta Reasürans Brokerliği and İMECE Destek Danışmanlık are
             celebrating a magnificent celebration for their 10  anniversary
             IMC  Sigorta  Reasürans  Brokerliği  and  İMECE  Destek  “With excitement and pride, we celebrate the 10th anniversary
             Danışmanlık  celebrated  their  10th  anniversary  with  great  of  IMC  Sigorta  Reasürans  Brokerliği  and  İMECE  Destek
             enthusiasm.                                        Danışmanlık.  This  special  milestone  marks  a  prominent
                                                                milestone in our journey of growth and development, which
             The “10th Year Gala Dinner,” held in the elegant atmosphere  we have been honored to be a part of since day one.
             of Sait Halim Paşa Yalısı, brought together the company’s
             employees,  industry  partners,  and  esteemed  guests.  The  Throughout these years, we have taken significant steps to
             Gala started with a cocktail reception held in a venue with a  not only create added value in the industry but also to bring
             mesmerizing view of the Bosphorus. Guests enjoyed elegant  a new perspective to service quality. With determination and
             refreshments accompanied by pleasant conversations.   dedication over the past 10 years, we have upheld our mission
                                                                to  provide  the  best  service  to  our  customers  and  business
             Following  the  cocktail  reception,  attendees  were  escorted  partners while remaining true to our ethical values. During
             to the Harem Garden of the Yalı for a carefully prepared  this time, we have written a story shaped by our experiences
             dinner.  The  opening  speech  of  the  event  was  delivered  by  and filled with successes.
             Chairman of the Board Muhittin Yurt. Yurt recounted the
             10-year success story of IMC Sigorta Reasürans Brokerliği  These  achievements  not  only  give  us  confidence  in  our
             and  İMECE  Destek  Danışmanlık,  emphasized  their  strong  present but also in our future. Moving forward with the same
             position  in  the  industry,  and  provided  insights  into  their  determination and commitment, we will continue to grow
             future goals. Muhittin Yurt delivered a long and meaningful  and  increase  our  impact  in  the  industry.  By  strengthening
             speech, fostering strong connections among the participants.  our customer-centric approach, we will continue to advance
             Employees who have completed 10 years with the company  towards our goals alongside our employees and business
             were also invited on stage, adding to the significance of the  partners, who are integral parts of our family.
             occasion.  Following  the  speech,  senior  executives  of  the
             company were invited to the stage to deliver short messages,  As  Sigorta  Reasürans  Brokerliği  and  İMECE  Destek
             creating heartfelt moments. The guest of honor, insurance  Danışmanlık, we move forward with the experiences gained
             veteran Hulusi Taşkıran, delivered an emotional speech that  and the trust placed in us during this 10-year journey.
             added color to the evening. A performing artist took the stage
             and captivated the guests with an impressive performance,  Among our goals is to enhance our service quality, elevate
             making this special event a memorable moment for everyone  customer satisfaction to the highest level, develop customer-
             involved.                                          focused solutions by keeping abreast of industry innovations,
                                                                and steadfastly pursue our growth strategies. In the future,
             We have written a story shaped by our experiences, filled  we aim to prioritize customer satisfaction and operational
             with successes                                     excellence to strengthen our leadership position in the
                                                                industry. We also aspire to pass on our journey of strong and
             The following statement was made by the company regarding  sustainable growth to future generations, together with our
             this significant milestone:                        stakeholders.”
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