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        Aksigorta Wins First Place in the EMEA Region with ‘Smart Scoring with AI’

        Aksigorta,  developing  its  products  and  services  with  a  next-
        generation insurance approach, was awarded first place in the
        Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region at the IDC
        CIO  Summit  event  for  its  “Smart  Scoring  with  AI”  project.
        Accepting the award on behalf of Aksigorta was their CIO, Kaan

        The  brands  and  projects  recognized  at  the  IDC  CIO  Summit
        2024 organized by the International Data Corporation (IDC)
        have been announced. At the closing ceremony of the IDC Turkey
        CIO Summit held on May 29-30 with the theme “The Future of
        IT: Rethinking Digital Transformation in the Age of Artificial
        Intelligence Everywhere,” Aksigorta’s “Smart Scoring with AI”
        project was awarded first place in the operations category. At
        the event honoring organizations advancing their business into  insurance more accessible, streamlined, and digitally integrated,
        the future with digital transformation and artificial intelligence,  we will continue to contribute to both positive differentiation in
        Aksigorta’s CIO Kaan Konak received the first-place award on  the industry and enhancing customer experience.”
        behalf of Aksigorta.
                                                              The impact of artificial intelligence on scoring
        “We are shaping the digital transformation of the industry
        with our projects”                                    In  the  Smart  Scoring  with  AI  project  that  led  Aksigorta  to
                                                              the  award,  business  knowledge  and  expertise  were  combined
        Aksigorta CIO Kaan Konak expressed his satisfaction with being  with  artificial  intelligence  models to establish  an  end-to-end
        honored with such an award across Europe, the Middle East,  intelligent scoring system based on customer-specific location
        and Africa (EMEA), saying the following on the matter: “At  for  catastrophic  risks.  The  scoring  structure  created  for  all
        Aksigorta,  we  take  pride  in  reshaping  the  insurance  industry  catastrophic risks was strengthened with artificial intelligence.
        through digitalization. We are very happy to have received an  In  this  project,  which  reduced  agent  dependency,  Aksigorta
        award for Smart Scoring with AI in a global organization where  further enhanced accurate risk calculation and the most ideal
        89  companies  submitted  294  significant  projects.  By  making  pricing approach through advanced local-level risk analyses.

        AXA is Europe’s largest insurance company by premium volume

        Based on the 2022 gross written premium  SCOR,  ranked  18th  with  a  premium
        volume, the global insurance giant AXA  volume  of  $21.0  billion.  However,  the
        ranked  as  Europe’s  largest  insurance  last of the big four, Hannover Re, did not
        company  with  a  premium  volume  of  make the list.
        $106.1  billion.  In  the  same  year,  AXA
        recorded  $42.3  billion  in  capital  and  In second place is Allianz with a premium
        surplus.                             volume of $100.5 billion. Allianz also had
                                             the highest capital and surplus amount on
        Based on data from rating agency AM  the list, at $54.9 billion.
        Best, the guide to Europe’s largest                                      in capital and surplus. In eighth place is
        insurance companies shows that only  The Italy-based insurance company   Chubb, with a premium volume of $51.9
        two of the big four European reinsurers,  Generali  ranked  third  with  a  premium   billion  and  $50.5  billion  in  capital  and
        Munich Re and Swiss Re, made it into the  volume of $85.1 billion and $17.2 billion   surplus,  specializing  in  property  and
        top 10. This highlights the scale of their  in capital and surplus. Zurich Insurance   casualty insurance.
        insurance operations.                Group, immediately following Munich Re,
                                             ranked fourth with a premium volume of   Just below Swiss Re and completing the
        Munich Re ranked fourth with a premium  $58.8 billion. Lloyd’s, the world’s oldest   top 10 is CNP Assurances, with a premium
        volume of $71.6 billion and $22.4 billion  insurance and reinsurance market, ranked   volume of $38.4 billion and $18.2 billion
        in  capital  and  surplus,  while  Swiss  Re  fifth  with  a  premium  volume  of  $56.3   in capital and surplus.
        ranked ninth with a premium volume of  billion.
        $47.8 billion and $12.6 billion in capital                               Interestingly,  only  two  insurance
        and  surplus.  Another  of  the  big  four  HDI Group ranks seventh with a premium   companies  recorded  a  premium  volume
        European reinsurers, the French reinsurer  volume of $56.0 billion and $8.9 billion   of over $100 billion, and these companies
                                                                                 are AXA and Allianz.
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