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        Important Collaboration Between RS Automotive Group and Doğan Trend Automotive!

        In  the  World  of  100%  Electric  Lives Electric commercial vehicles are  MAXUS at its showroom in Maltepe.
        Vehicles,  Light  Commercial  Vehicles  adding strength to commercial life with
        Are Also Finding Their Place in Our  their  values  of  savings,  economy,  and  Ünal  Ünaldı,  Chairman  of  the  Board
                                           efficiency.  In  the  automotive  market,  of RS Automotive Group, stated, “We
                                           the MAXUS Turkey Distributor Doğan  aim  to  capture  new  technologies  and
                                           Trend Automotive and RS Automotive  transformations  in  the  automotive
                                           Group  have  entered  into  a  new  sector  from  today.  As  we  experience
                                           collaboration.                      a  dizzying  momentum  in  the  world
                                                                               of  electric  vehicles,  we  believe  that
                                           RS  Automotive  Group,  a  leading  our  collaboration  with  MAXUS  will
                                           company  in  the  automotive  after-  add  value  to  this  process.”  Starting
                                           sales  services  sector,  has  established  from June, the new showroom at RS
                                           its presence in the world of electric  Automotive  Group’s  Maltepe  General
                                           vehicles with its RS Mobility company.  Directorate complex is open for all
                                           RS  Mobility  has  begun  providing  trade professionals to experience the
                                           authorized  sales  and  service  for  MAXUS e-Deliver 3 test drive.

        Support for the Kahramanmaraş Ahilik Movement from RS Automotive Group

        After the tragic earthquake disaster last year, Kahramanmaraş,  succeed in the business world, highlighting the significance
        which has begun to rise again, is supporting the revival of  of creating value and having vision.
        commercial life through the Ahilik Movement. RS Automotive
        Group’s Chairman of the Board, Ünal Ünaldı, participated  Ünaldı  said  “Conditions  make  people  masters,  and  my
        as a speaker at the Commercial Experience School of the  father, who taught us this culture, mastered his craft in the
        Ahilik  Movement,  which  fosters  solidarity  among  traders  1970s when spare parts supply for repairs was challenging.
        with its slogan ‘Abundance is in the movement’ and Ahilik  We  should  not  only  learn  from  our  own  experiences  but
        culture, sharing his business experiences. Ünaldı expressed  also  benefit  from  the  experiences  of  other  businesspeople.
        his gratitude to Kadir Can Şentürk, President of the Ahilik  Challenges  encourage  success.  Let’s  raise  our  children
        Movement,  for  the  invitation,  stating,  “Conditions  make  with  a  global  vision.  Throughout  our  work  together,  it’s
        people masters, and my father, who taught us this culture,  crucial  to  strive  towards  developing  our  vision,  starting
        mastered his craft in the 1970s when spare parts supply for  from  internships.  Bringing  together  entrepreneurship  with
        repairs was challenging. We should not only learn from our  institutionalization and seizing opportunities are essential.
        own experiences  but also benefit from the  experiences of  Istanbul truly is a commercial city, and observing economies
        other  businesspeople.  Challenges  encourage  success.  Let’s  of scale enhances our vision. We’re also focusing intensively
        raise our children with a global vision. Throughout our work  on  a  new  concept,  “coopetition.”  Over  the  years,  we’ve
        together, it’s crucial to strive towards developing our vision,  seen  the  importance  of  constructive  competition.  Once
        starting from internships. Bringing together entrepreneurship  again, I extend my heartfelt condolences to the people of
        with  institutionalization  and  seizing  opportunities  are  Kahramanmaraş for the earthquake.” He thanked Kadir Can
        essential. Istanbul truly is a commercial city, and observing  Şentürk, President of the Kahramanmaraş Ahilik Movement
        economies of scale enhances our vision. We’re also focusing  Association,  and  all  the  guests  for  their  invitations  and
        intensively on a new concept, “coopetition.” Over the years,  participation.
        we’ve seen the importance of constructive competition. Once
        again, I extend my heartfelt condolences to all the people of
        Kahramanmaraş for the earthquake.”

        RS  Automotive  Group,  one  of  the  leading  companies
        in  the  automotive  aftermarket  services  sector,  stood  by
        the  Kahramanmaraş  Ahilik  Movement.  Recently,  at  the
        Commercial  Experience  School  held  in  Kahramanmaraş,
        Chairman  of  the  Board  Ünal  Ünaldı  of  RS  Automotive
        Group discussed how they overcame challenges in business
        and  achieved  success.  Ünaldı  provided  valuable  advice
        to young people aspiring to enter the business world and
        answered  their  questions.  He  emphasized  the  importance
        of  perseverance  and  determination  for  young  people  to
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