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P. 9


        Metropolcard holders will experience the privilege of being members of medline emergency
        health services

        MetropolCard, Turkey’s first environmentally friendly digital
        meal card, which  offers fast, secure, and digital solutions
        from a select range of prestigious brands for all institutional
        and employee-specific needs, has signed a collaboration
        protocol with Medline Sağlık Grubu, Turkey’s first private
        Emergency Health Services company that has been a leader
        in the industry since its establishment.

        In  his  statement,  Medline  Sağlık  Grubu  General  Manager
        R.  Başar  Ezer  mentioned,  “In  our  corporate  activities,
        guided by the mission that ‘human and human health are
        paramount,’ we collaborate with leading companies in our
        country  on  projects,  serving  nearly  3.5  million  members
        and over 400 institutions. We are delighted to collaborate
        with MetropolCard, Turkey’s first environmentally friendly  pioneering, exemplary experiences, we are delighted and
        digital meal card that provides services to meet consumers’  proud to collaborate with the leading Medline Sağlık Grubu,
        needs  in  all  areas.  MetropolCard  holders  will  experience  a partnership that  our  users will greatly  appreciate and
        the assurance of being a ‘24/7 Medline Emergency Health  benefit from, as it considers their health. Since our inception,
        Services Member,’ which includes services such as doctor-  maintaining our innovative perspective, as MetropolCard,
        led ground ambulance, medical consultation via phone,  we have touched the lives of our valued users without losing
        medical  information  bridge,  and  hospital  organization  in  sight  of  our  vision.  Through  this  collaboration,  we  will
        emergencies.”                                        provide  them  with  the  privilege  of  being  a  24/7  Medline
                                                             Emergency Health Services Member. I wish that the 24/7
        MetropolCard CEO Uğur Yıldırım, in his statement     Medline Emergency Health membership, which includes
        regarding developments, commented                    services such as doctor-led ground ambulance, medical
                                                             consultation via phone, medical information bridge, and
        “As  MetropolCard,  Turkey’s  first  environmentally  friendly  hospital organization, brings goodness to our company, our
        digital meal card, drawing on over 10 years of expertise and  valued users, and our stakeholders”

        A New Era Begins in Anadolu Sigorta’s Young Anatolia Project.

                                   Applications for a new period  in insurance but do not have agency status, can apply to the
                                   of  Anadolu  Sigorta’s  Genç  program  throughout  the  month  of  April.  Candidates  selected
                                   Anadolu  (Young  Anatolia)  through general aptitude and evaluation processes will have the
                                   project  have  started.  Young  opportunity to become Anadolu Sigorta agents after completing
                                   individuals aspiring to build a  various training sessions.
                                   career in the insurance sector
                                   will  have  the opportunity  Kerem  Tokyürek,  Deputy  General  Manager  of  Anadolu
                                   to become agents through  Sigorta,  stated  that  since  the  inception  of  the  Genç  Anadolu
                                   the  Genç  Anadolu  (Young  (Young Anatolia) project in 2021, they have made significant
                                   Anatolia) project.         contributions to young people entering the workforce. Tokyürek
                                                              stated, “For 99 years, as Turkey’s insurance school, we have
                                   Anadolu  Sigorta  continues  been working to grow our industry and also play a leading role
                                   to support young people in  in our country’s sustainable economic development. Under the
                                   their career journeys through  Genç  Anadolu  (Young  Anatolia)  project  in  2023,  following
                                   initiatives it has implemented.  the applications received for agency positions, we evaluated
                                   The applications for the Genç  the  candidates  and  343  individuals  who  met  the  necessary
                                   Anadolu  (Young  Anatolia)  requirements participated in the general aptitude exam. Among
                                   Project, initiated during the  the  participants,  9  individuals  who  succeeded  in  the  exams
        pandemic period to support young individuals and provide  and  interviews  started  operating  as  Anadolu  Sigorta  agents.
        employment opportunities, have begun for the year 2024. Young  Through the Young Anatolia project, as we have done so far, we
        individuals under the age of 35 who have graduated or will soon  will continue to support young people in realizing their dreams
        graduate from insurance-related fields, and who have experience  in the future.””
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