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        Senior Appointment at MAPFRE Sigorta

                                            at MAPFRE Sigorta, has been appointed  of the Executive Committee as of April.
                                            as Deputy General Manager of Operations  Volkan Dursunoğlu’s appointment to the
                                            and a member of the Executive Committee  Executive Committee will become official
                                            as of April.                        following the approval of  the Treasury
                                            A  senior  appointment  has  been  made
                                            at  MAPFRE  Sigorta,  which  has  been  Volkan Dursunoğlu, who graduated from
                                            shaping the Turkish insurance industry for  the Department of Industrial Engineering
                                            75 years with its international experience,  at   Istanbul   Technical   University
                                            strong  financial  position,  and  extensive  and  completed  his  master’s  degree
                                            professional  agency  network.  In  this  in  Actuarial  Sciences  at  Bahçeşehir
                                            context,  Volkan  Dursunoğlu,  who  has  University, has held managerial positions
                                            been serving as the Director of Actuarial  in  Auto  Insurance,  Project  and  Change
                                            Services at MAPFRE Sigorta since 2018,  Management,  Internal  Audit,  Actuarial,
        Volkan Dursunoğlu, who has assumed the  has been appointed as Deputy General  and  Analytical  fields  throughout  his
        position of Director of Actuarial Services  Manager of Operations and a member  insurance career until now.

        Unico Sigorta Employees and Istanbul Agents Gathered for Iftar

        Unico  Sigorta,  operating  with  an  understanding  of  valuing  further advance our successes.”
        all  processes  and  inspiring  trust,  organized  an  iftar  dinner
        for  its  employees  and  Istanbul  agents.  Approximately  450  Later in the evening, taking the stage as the first guest of
        people attended the event, with Prof. Dr. Özgür Demirtaş as  Unico  Sigorta’s  Continuous  Development  Talks,  Prof.  Dr.
        the guest speaker.                                    Özgür Demirtaş evaluated the past 10 years of the economies
                                                              of  America,  Europe,  and  Turkey.  He  provided  insights  on
        Bringing together its 250 employees and Istanbul agents  the parameters  agents should follow to  provide financial
        during the blessed month of Ramadan, Unico Sigorta embraced  foresight.
        the spirit of abundance and sharing. During Unico Sigorta’s
        traditional iftar dinner, attending agents also discussed the  Professor  Dr.  Özgür  Demirtaş  continued  his  speech  on  the
        new business plan period focused on the theme of “Continuous  topic of “Science, Economy, Finance, the Future, and You,”
        Improvement.” Following the meal, guest speaker Prof. Dr.  also  addressing  questions  from  the  participants.  Demirtaş
        Özgür  Demirtaş,  as  the  inaugural  guest  of  Unico  Sigorta’s  expressed his happiness by stating, “Meeting today with such
        Continuous  Development  Talks,  discussed  what  institutions  a highly energetic  and financially conscious audience has
        and individuals need to consider for financial sustainability.    brought  me  great  joy.  Both  the  questions  raised  and  their
                                                              active engagement made for a delightful evening with Unico
        Unico Sigorta General Manager Ender Güzeler emphasized  Sigorta employees and partners. Looking forward to meeting
        that  they  declared  2024  as  the  year  of  “Horizontal  again...”
        Communication, Technological Development,” stating, “Iftar
        gatherings  symbolize  unity,  solidarity,  and  love.  During
        the blessed month of Ramadan, filled with the blessings of
        sharing and renewal, I am delighted to come together with
        our valuable employees and agents who bring our institutional
        goals and stable growth trajectory to life. On this occasion,
        to show that we haven’t forgotten our fellow citizens affected
        by  the  earthquake  disaster  and  to  express  our  support,  we
        also  provided  iftar  dinners  to  earthquake  victims  in  Hatay
        and Iskenderun.”

        Güzeler  emphasized  his  pleasure  in  reuniting  with  Istanbul
        agents after a long time, stating, “We will continue the
        growth momentum achieved in 2023 with exciting projects
        in 2024. We will continue to renew and develop constantly to
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