Page 14 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 14

14 interview

     and results of their methods to the other party. They need to be  There are many undergraduate and graduate actuarial science
     persuasive when necessary. Therefore, we need to make progress  departments at universities in our country. Our first step is to
     in developing managerial skills, communication skills, and emo-  strengthen communication with both professors and students
     tional intelligence in this area.                        in these departments as an association, engage them more with
                                                              the association, and increase the student presence within the as-
     What level of interest is there in the actuarial profession?  sociation. The second step is to engage departments outside of
     There are ongoing efforts in this field every term, what are  actuarial science and universities without actuarial science de-
     your plans to increase this interest?                    partments. We plan to introduce them to actuarial science, par-
                                                              ticipate in career days to explain what actuarial science is, what
     Interest in this profession needs to increase. Actuarial science is  kind of career it can offer, and what opportunities it provides,
     an interdisciplinary profession. We have actuarial departments,  organize  promotional  conferences,  and  conduct  promotional
     and the students there are aware of actuarial science. However,  communications through online channels.
     I believe it would be very beneficial for students from different
     departments to also be directed towards this field. Different dis-  What is the current number of actuaries? Do you find these
     ciplines bring different perspectives. We have clear plans in this  numbers sufficient?
     regard. We are working on organizing joint events with other
     universities  and different  departments,  conducting promotion-  We have 222 actuaries. This number is, of course, insufficient.
     al activities and meetings with them, and promoting ourselves  Not every company in our sector currently employs an actuary.
     more through online channels to reach people from various back-  This is also due to budgetary reasons. To increase these numbers
     grounds.                                                 quantitatively, the Insurance and Private Pension Regulation
                                                              and Supervision Agency (SEDDK) organizes training programs
     Would you like to elaborate on the plans to attract young  for the exams. Students have the opportunity to participate in
     people?                                                  various training sessions. We are also working on what can be
                                                              done to help more students pass the exams.
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