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10 at a glance

                 Maher Holding, along with its three companies, participated in the Istanbul
                 Dental Association Istanbul Meeting

                 Quick  Sigorta,  Quick  Finans,  and  Qcar  took  part  in
                 the Istanbul Meeting organized by the Istanbul Dental
                 Association at the Istanbul Congress Center on Friday,
                 March 22nd, and Saturday, March 23rd. Ahmet Yaşar,
                 the Chairman of Maher Holding Insurance Group,
                 stated, “The event was extremely beneficial in terms
                 of transferring our established financial ecosystem and
                 promoting financial insurances.”

                 The  teams  of  Quick  Sigorta,  Quick  Finans,  and  Qcar
                 participated  in  the  “Istanbul  Meeting”  organized  by
                 the Istanbul Dental Association for the second time this
                 year.  Quick  Finans  and  Quick  Sigorta,  participating   financing.” With our vision as a next-generation finance
                 with their booth at the event organized at the Istanbul   company and our inclusive financing approaches, we aim
                 Congress Center on March 22nd (Friday) and March   to meet the financing needs of young dentists seamlessly
                 23rd  (Saturday),  which  was  free  for  members  of  the   with  innovative  and  integrated  financing  solutions.
                 Istanbul  Dental  Association,  had  the  opportunity  to   We offer our credit solutions tailored to the needs of
                 directly convey their established financial insurance   dentists, incorporating the dimension of insurance,
                 ecosystem  and  financial  insurance  products  to  the   a  financial  instrument  used  for  risk  protection  and
                 participants.  Qcar,  which  started  its  operations  last   management. We are happy to have the opportunity to
                 year,  also  had  the  chance  to  promote  its  services.  At   meet with valuable scientists and convey our vision and
                 the booths where participants’ questions were answered,   integrated finance solutions with insurance.
                 current information about services or products, as
                 well as new applications or digital developments, were   Ahmet Yaşar, Maher Holding Insurance Group
                                                                   President: “There is a trend towards financial
                 In addition to members of the Istanbul Dental
                 Association, the participation in the event, which was   Ahmet  Yaşar,  the  Chairman  of  Maher  Holding
                 enriched by numerous valuable scientists contributing   Insurance Group, noted that this important event, which
                 through conferences, panels, and courses, was quite   the healthcare industry finds highly comprehensive and
                 high. Over 3,000 dentists registered for the Scientific   beneficial, is also beneficial for promoting financial
                 Program  held  in  Beyazıt  Hall,  Emirgan  Hall,  and   insurances.  He  highlighted  the  global  trend  towards
                 Beylerbeyi Hall, and showed interest in the courses   financial insurances and stated:
                 continuing  in  Maçka  and  Hamidiye  Halls.  Alongside
                 the visitor target, it is estimated that a total of 10,000   “The insurance sector is widespread and dominant
                 dentists participated in the event.
                                                                   worldwide. We are working to ensure that the products
                 Quick Finans General Manager Nihat Karadağ:       of the insurance sector also play a role in Turkey. We
                 “We are making a mark on transformation in the    value opening up new opportunities for the sector, which
                 finance sector.”                                  has been squeezed between motor own damage insurance
                                                                   and traffic insurance, with financial insurances, and
                                                                   creating new areas for agents. In a period where banking
                 Speaking about the widely attended event, Quick Finans   is becoming centralized, branches are beginning to close,
                 General Manager Nihat Karadağ said:
                                                                   and  digital  banking  is  becoming  more  prevalent,  we
                                                                   have around 6,000 agents distributed across Turkey’s
                 “When our dentists are opening their clinics, especially   provinces and districts, with more than 17,000 financial
                 facing significant financing needs for high-tech   intermediaries. We are working on how we can transform
                 equipment, during a time when access to financing is   these financial intermediaries into a kind of insurance
                 becoming more challenging, we had the opportunity   market.  Here,  we  have  transferred  the  ecosystem  we
                 at  this  Congress  organized  by  the  Istanbul  Dental   have  created  by  including  insurance,  finance,  and
                 Association to present financing solutions that embody   payment systems in the financial field; we shared our
                 new understandings and approaches. In particular, we   products. The event was extremely beneficial in terms
                 are aware that young dentists starting their professional   of transferring our established financial ecosystem and
                 careers and opening clinics require substantial
                                                                   promoting financial insurances.
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