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        “Insurance Week” will now take place during the first week of October

        Since 2011, Insurance Week has been  has  been  approved  by  the  Insurance  2011. Starting from this year, we will
        celebrated annually during the last  and Private Pension Regulation and  celebrate  Insurance  Week  during  the
        week  of  May  to  promote  insurance  Supervision Agency (SEDDK).     first week of October. We believe that
        awareness, raise awareness about                                       this change in date, reached through
        potential risks, and introduce insurance  In a statement made by the Insurance  consultation with sector employees,
        solutions  to  a  broader  audience.  Association of Turkey (TSB) regarding  stakeholders,   and   communication
        Starting from this year, Insurance  the matter:                        professionals, will further increase
        Week will be celebrated during the first                               interest in our Insurance Week.”
        week of October instead.           “To promote insurance awareness,
                                           raise  awareness  about  potential  risks,
        The decision to move Insurance Week  and introduce insurance solutions to
        from the last week of May to the first  a broader audience, we have been
        week  of  October,  beginning  this  year  celebrating   our   Insurance   Week
        and continuing into 2024 and beyond,  during  the  last  week  of  May  since

        “The Results of the ‘Life Through a Woman’s Eyes’ Photography Contest Have
        Been Announced”

                                                             The first prize winner received 15,000 TL, the second prize
                                                             winner  received  12,500  TL,  and  the  third  prize  winner
                                                             received 10,000 TL in prize money. Each of the three works
                                                             awarded honorable mention received a prize of 4,000 TL,
                                                             and the 38 works selected for exhibition were each awarded
                                                             a prize of 1,000 TL.

                                                             The  “Kadın  Gözüyle  Hayattan  Kareler”  (Life  Through  a
                                                             Woman’s Eyes) photography contest, organized continuously
                                                             for 18 years under the consultancy of the Turkish Federation
                                                             of Photography Arts (TFSF), has seen participation from over
                                                             28,000 female photographers submitting more than 107,000
                                                             photographs since 2007. “Kadın Gözüyle Hayattan Kareler”
                                                             (Life  Through  a  Woman’s  Eyes),  which  is  increasingly
        The winners of the “Kadın Gözüyle Hayattan Kareler” (Life   gaining attention as Turkey’s only photography competition
        Through a Woman’s Eyes) photography contest, organized   exclusively for women, stands out as an exemplary corporate
        by Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik and Turkey’s only photography   social responsibility project contributing to women’s socio-
        competition dedicated to women, have been announced with   cultural and societal development. Through this competition,
        great  interest.  This  year,  the  18th  edition  of  the  contest,   women have the opportunity to freely reflect their perspectives
        themed  “Hayata  Dair”  (About  Life),  saw  Gülseren  Boz   on life through photographs and express themselves in the
        emerge  as  the  winner  among  1,470  female  photographers   best way possible.
        with  her  piece  titled  “Sarıkamış  Anısına”  (In  Memory  of
        Sarıkamış).  The  results  of  the  “Life  Through  a  Woman’s   The  jury  panel  for  this  year’s  competition  includes  Prof.
        Eyes” photography contest, which is held annually by Anadolu   Dr.  Güler  Ertan,  Faculty  Member  of  the  Department  of
        Hayat Emeklilik, were announced for the year 2024. In the   Graphic  Design  at  Arel  University  Faculty  of  Fine  Arts;
        competition where 1,470 female photographers submitted a   photographer  İzzet  Keribar;  Prof.  Nihal  Kafalı,  Faculty
        total of 4,988 photographs, Gülseren Boz was awarded first   Member of the Department of Photography at Mimar Sinan
        place with her work titled “Sarıkamış Anısına” (In Memory   Fine Arts University Faculty of Fine Arts; photographer Ali
        of Sarıkamış). Nilgün Hocaoğlu won the second prize with   Rıza  Akalın;  and  Tuğba  Öcal,  Corporate  Communications
        her  piece  “Dokumacı”  (The  Weaver),  and  Zeliha  Begöz   Manager of Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik.
        secured  the  third  prize  with  her  work  titled  “Labirent”
        (Labyrinth). The winners of the honorable mention awards   To view the winning and exhibited photographs of the “Kadın
        were Elif Canarslan with the photograph “Kaos” (Chaos),   Gözüyle Hayattan Kareler” (Life Through a Woman’s Eyes)
        Gülçimen  Okumuş  with  the  photograph  “Beş  Can”  (Five   ‘24” competition, you can visit the website of Anadolu Hayat
        Souls),  and  Saadet  Banu  Nazikcan  with  the  photograph   Emeklilik  or  TFSF  (Turkish  Federation  of  Photography
        “Odundan Kömüre” (From Wood to Coal).                Arts).
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