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                    Accessing Fibasigorta, which facilitates insurance, is now easier.

                                                                   products like Screen Breakage, Full Protection, and
                                                                   Extended Warranty, which provide extra assurance
                                                                   for the extended use of electronic devices and offer
                                                                   replacement devices during repair processes, are also
                                                                   available through digital channels with advantageous

                                                                   Claims processes can be initiated by taking a photo
                                                                   with a mobile phone or uploading documents to digital
                                                                   channels by users. All processes can be effortlessly
                                                                   tracked  and  managed  through  Fibasigorta’s  digital
                                                                   platforms.  In  Fibasigorta’s  digital  channels,  users
                                                                   can also add their policies from other companies and
                                                                   view all insurance information in one platform.

                                                                   “We have initiated a new era focused on
                    Fibasigorta,  working  to  make  access  to  insurance  customer experience in digital insurance.”
                    products fast, easy, and reliable, has initiated a new
                    era  in  digital  insurance.  Fibasigorta’s  website  has  Erol  Öztürkoğlu,  General  Manager  of  Fibasigorta,
                    been  redesigned,  and  its  online  branch  and  mobile  stated, “With  all the possibilities that  technology
                    application  have  been  launched.  Erol  Öztürkoğlu,  offers, we have started a new era in digital insurance
                    the General Manager of Fibasigorta, which offers  by  putting  customer  experience  at  the  forefront.
                    24/7  sales  services  and  all  insurance  transactions  Through our digital channels, we simplify insurance
                    to its users through its new digital channels without  processes,  which are  often complex  and  time-
                    the need for any documents, stated, “With all the  consuming, with a user-friendly approach. We enable
                    opportunities that technology offers, we have  customers to purchase policies, create requests and
                    initiated a new era in digital insurance by focusing on  claims, or track files with a single touch, and conduct
                    customer experience. At Fibasigorta, we are making  all  transactions  through  our  digital  platforms.  At
                    steady progress towards our goal of being a pioneer  Fibasigorta, we provide our customers with solutions
                    in  customer-centric  digital  transformation  in  our  tailored to their needs whenever they need them. With
                    industry.”                                     our fast and effective customer support services, we
                                                                   are making steady progress towards our goal of being
                    Fibasigorta, which offers insurance products to users  a leader in customer-centric digital transformation
                    with its innovative technological infrastructure,  in our industry. Moving forward, we will continue our
                    making  insurance  accessible  with  easy  and  efforts without slowing down, closely following the
                    understandable solutions, has redesigned its website  opportunities presented by technology, digitalization
                    and launched its online branch and mobile application.  trends, and developments in our industry.”
                    Fibasigorta  provides  quick  access  to  insurance
                    products through its new digital channels developed  Users  of  Fibasigorta’s  online  branch  and  mobile
                    with  a  focus  on  customer  experience,  allowing  for  application can benefit from special campaigns
                    easy completion of all insurance transactions and the  offered  exclusively  to  Fibasigorta  customers.  They
                    ability to view and manage all policies on a single  can explore products and services for themselves and
                    platform.                                      their loved ones, purchase needed insurance policies,
                                                                   and easily obtain information about the products.
                    Access to the needed insurance products is
                    available 24/7, just a click away.             The  Fibasigorta  Guide  on
                                                                   comprehensively covers all information about
                    Through Fibasigorta’s new digital channels, products  insurance products and answers any questions users
                    such  as  DASK  (mandatory  earthquake  insurance),  may have.
                    home insurance, comprehensive car insurance,
                    personal accident insurance, and workplace coverage  Fibasigorta invites anyone interested in discovering
                    can be easily and quickly purchased online without  fast, easy, and accessible insurance to visit
                    any  documents,  24/7.  Additionally,  insurance,  its  online  branch,  and  mobile
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