Page 13 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 13


      I advise young friends to be curious

     The President of the Actuarial Association, Cenk Yalçın, said, ‘One of our most
     important goals is to further increase our presence and recognition in the
     international community.’

      Mr. Cenk, first of all, congratulations on your new position.
      What developments and agenda items will await the Actu-
      arial Association during your presidency?

      Our  sector  actually  has  many  stakeholders;  international  or-
      ganizations, regulatory and supervisory authorities, academia,
      other industry organizations, and companies in our sector... Of
      course, we have developed our relationships with these stake-
      holders significantly up to now. One of our most important goals
      is to further enhance and strengthen these relationships. We are
      a full member of the European Actuarial Association. Here, we
      are subject to a mutual recognition agreement. Therefore, an
      actuary here can ensure their actuarial qualifications are rec-
      ognized in many European countries. Our representatives and
      members participate in many committees, working groups, and
      forums of the European Actuarial Association. Strengthening
      this relationship and further increasing our presence and rec-
      ognition in  the international  community are  among our  most
      important goals. Secondly, we want to strengthen our relation-
      ships with academia. One of our Board Members, Ms. Sevtap,
      is an academician. In this regard, whether it be actuarial un-
      dergraduate and graduate programs or colleagues from other
      disciplines, strengthening our relationships with academia and
      directing young friends to our field are among our goals.

      How does the strength of actuarial science in our country
      compare to global trends?

      Actuarial science has significantly developed in Turkey over the
      last 15 years. Examples include the actuarial exams and the
      issuance of the Actuarial Regulations. Yes, we have made pro-
      gress, but there are still areas for development for our actuaries
      within the actuarial community. In terms of data science and
      technology, the world has started to develop at an incredible
      speed,  especially  in  the  last  five  or  six  years.  Therefore,  our
      actuaries need to keep up with this both statistically and techno-
      logically. Additionally, actuaries have begun to emerge more at
      the managerial level. An actuary is a social mathematician, not
      just a statistician. They inevitably need to convey the findings
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