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       Unico Sigorta celebrated its 35th anniversary with a grand gala at Çırağan Palace

       Driven by the strength derived from appreciating its roots,
       Unico Sigorta continued its work, celebrating its 35th year
       with an event at Çırağan Palace under the theme “From Our
       Roots to the Future.”

       Unico Sigorta, serving sustainable growth through innovative
       insurance products and services, hosted its employees, business
       partners,  and  industry  representatives  in  the  historical
       atmosphere of Çırağan Palace. The gala night, attended by
       400 guests, began with a special video presentation reflecting
       Unico Sigorta’s 35-year success story. Following that, service
       awards were presented to the top-performing agencies and
       Unico Sigorta employees for their outstanding performance
       in the year 2023. The gala continued with a live performance
       by Aşkın Nur Yengi and a New Year’s party, making it an
       unforgettable night for all the guests.                In 2022, we have successfully completed the first two years of
                                                              our business plan, which we expressed with the slogan ‘Change,
       In the opening speech of the gala, Unico Sigorta General   Transformation, and Development,’ and will continue until
       Manager Ender Güzeler stated, “In our 35-year journey at   the end of 2026. In the coming years, we will strengthen our
       Unico Sigorta, we walk into the future together with the   position in the industry with the same stability.
       strength we draw from our roots and our people-focused
       approach with all our stakeholders. 35 years is both a long   We have dreams and goals for the future. We are passionately
       period and a short time frame, given the constant changes it   committed to working, producing, achieving, and being good.
       encompasses. We have spent this time very productively. We   For this, we hold onto our roots and work with our values.
       identified our customers’ needs, managed their expectations.
       We  changed  our  processes,  made  them  more  efficient.  We   On this occasion, I would like to express my sincere thanks to
       aligned all our business practices and value chain in the   all colleagues, business partners, and the esteemed board of
       same direction. At this point, Unico Sigorta is sustaining its   directors who are part of the great Unico Sigorta family and
       presence more robustly and decisively than ever before.   have come together with us to reach this point.”

       Türkiye Sigorta’s 11-month gross premium production increased by an annual rate of
       152 percent

       In the first 11 months of 2023, Türkiye Sigorta generated gross  annual increase of 230 percent, and the accident branch, with
       premiums exceeding 50 billion TL.                      an increase of 208 percent, were other branches that realized
                                                              premium production above the overall growth momentum. In
       Türkiye Sigorta continues its strong growth pace. The company,  these branches, production amounted to 11.4 billion TL and 3.5
       revealing the end-of-November gross premium production data  billion TL, respectively. In the general damages branch, which
       for the year 2023, reached a record monthly production of 6.6  has the highest weight in the total premium portfolio, there was a
       billion TL, bringing the total gross premium production to 50.8  significant annual growth of 100 percent in November, reaching
       billion TL.                                            a premium production of 12.1 billion TL, especially driven by the
                                                              increased production pace in agricultural insurance.
       Monthly  gross  premium  production  increased  by  170  percent
       compared to November of the previous year, with health, motor,
       fire and  natural  disasters,  and  general damages  branches
       contributing the most to the monthly growth. In the mentioned
       branches, there were increases of 549 percent, 315 percent, 214
       percent, and 187 percent, respectively, compared to the same
       month of the previous year.

       As  a  result  of  this  remarkable  production  performance,  as  of
       the  end  of  November,  Türkiye  Sigorta’s  total  gross  premium
       production  reached  50.8  billion  TL,  with  an  annual  increase
       of 152 percent. The premium production of the health branch,
       which  increased  by  285  percent  annually,  reached  2.7  billion
       TL, while the premium production of the motor branch, which
       recorded a 241 percent increase during this period, amounted
       to 7.1 billion TL. The fire and natural disasters branch, with an
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