Page 10 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
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10 at a glance

       “A New Era Begins in Insurance Sector Reporting”

       As  known,  the  TFRS  17  Insurance  Contracts  Standard  onwards,  starting  from
       was  published  in  the  Official  Gazette  numbered  31706   the  first  quarter  of  2024,
       on  31/12/2022  by  the  Public  Oversight,  Accounting  and  financial  statements  from
       Auditing Standards Authority (KGK). To ensure compliance  our sector will be prepared
       across the industry and to facilitate a more effective process,  in  accordance  with  TFRS
       our institution has decided to implement the Standard as of  17.
       01/01/2025.                                           In this regard, it is crucial
                                                             for companies to timely and accurately present their financial
       In the context of compliance with international reporting  statements  under  TFRS  17  for  the  year  2024,  and  to
       standards and to closely monitor the industry and ensure  diligently prepare any additional information required during
       a  smooth  transition  to  implementation  from  01/01/2025  this process.

       Start-up Network Day by QNB Sigorta: Offering Innovative Solutions to Customers
       Together with Ventures

       QNB Sigorta, in collaboration with QNBEYOND, organized
       the Start-up Network Day event. During the event, 7 ventures
       focusing on different areas shared their creatively found
       solutions to customer problems in the insurance industry
       through  inspiring  presentations.  QNB  Sigorta  aims  to
       collaborate with ventures that bring innovative solutions to
       customer problems in the fields of customer experience, health
       &  wellness,  automation  &  artificial  intelligence,  embedded
       insurance, and telemedicine.

       QNB  Sigorta,  operating  as  a  100%  subsidiary  of  QNB
       Finansbank, one of Turkey’s largest private banks, and
       providing services in health insurance, life and personal
       accident insurance, as well as individual retirement, came
       together with entrepreneurs under the hosting of QNBEYOND.  Kuriş  mentioned  that  they  observe  five  focal  points  where
       During the event, solutions of 7 different ventures focusing  innovation is concentrated in insurance, specifically in life and
       on areas such as artificial intelligence, wellness-wellbeing,  health branches. She stated their interest in collaborating with
       telemedicine, customer experience, and embedded insurance  ventures that bring innovative solutions to customer problems
       were discussed.                                       in  the  areas  of  customer  experience,  health  &  wellness,
                                                             automation & artificial intelligence, embedded insurance, and
       Each representative of the ventures had the opportunity to  telemedicine.
       share their entrepreneurial journeys, the customer problems
       they encountered, and the creative solutions they offered.  Pınar  Kuriş,  highlighting  that  QNB  Sigorta  reaches  its
       They also presented scenario examples on how these solutions  customers with the motto “Live Today,” said, “We are
       could be integrated into the world of insurance. The executives  brainstorming on many innovations to ensure our customers
       from  QNB  Sigorta  and  QNB  Finansbank  who  participated  feel good ‘today.’ With the need for digitization, we know
       in the event had the opportunity to establish direct contact  that customers are now in search of services that go beyond
       with the ventures, understanding their value propositions, and  traditional insurance coverage they can use in challenging
       exploring potential areas for collaboration.          times, aiming to touch upon their daily lives for the present.
                                                             Just like in all our service channels, we continue to set our
       In the opening speech of the event, Pınar Kuriş, the CEO of  actions in digitization with a focus on making our customers
       QNB Sigorta, stated, “In the journey of insurance, there are  feel good and secure.”
       opportunities for development in many touchpoints, from the
       stage of receiving quotes to policy issuance, dynamic pricing,  QNB Sigorta aims to continue benefiting from QNBEYOND’s
       payment systems, customer experience solutions, and value-  entrepreneurial network and acceleration programs, which
       added services. We believe that there is ample room for  are  among  the  most  tangible  indicators  of  the  importance
       ventures not only in applications directly targeting end-users  QNB  Group  places  on  innovation  and  entrepreneurship
       but also in simplifying the infrastructure and automation in  in  the  upcoming  period.  The  goal  is  to  further  develop  its
       the insurance sector.”                                relationships with the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
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