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        ‘’In 2024, we will continue our stable growth’’

        Dr. E. Baturalp Pamukçu, the General  satisfaction  and  sustainability  were
        Manager of Turkish Nippon Sigorta,  the key considerations during the
        shared  his  assessments  of  the  year  execution of these projects. One of
        2023 and his expectations for 2024.  the  projects  aimed  at  reducing  paper
                                           consumption,   the  ‘E-Commission
        Dr.  E.  Baturalp  Pamukçu  stated,   Expense Document,’ has prevented the
        “As Turkish Nippon Sigorta, we have  waste of approximately 129 kg of paper
        achieved our planned year-end goals and  annually. Simultaneously, by refraining
        strategies. In 2024, we will continue on  from  using  around  13,000  plastic
        our path towards new objectives.”  courier bags, we took a step towards
                                           leaving a better world for future
        Dr. E. Baturalp Pamukçu, the General  generations. In 2024, we aim to further
        Manager of Turkish Nippon Sigorta,  advance our motto of ‘contributing to
        stated, “We left behind a challenging  sustainable living with small steps you
        year in 2023 due to natural disasters,  take,’ both in our business processes and
        wars   worldwide,  and   economic  social media posts, through projects for
        fluctuations. Despite these adverse  our employees and customers.
        factors directly affecting the insurance
        industry and stakeholders, the sector  Another  step  we  are  taking  is  in  the
        continued to grow in 2023. As Turkish  digitization of health insurance. Health
        Nippon Insurance, we achieved our  insurance is among the branches that   industry-first by raising the age limit
        strategic goals set at the beginning of  our company prioritizes. With the new   from 59 to 70. Everyone with a Social
        the year. In 2024, we aim to maintain  year, we are accelerating our strides   Security  Institution  (SGK)  record,
        our habit of balanced growth.’”    in this field. As the first step, we have   including those aged 70 and above, can
                                           partnered  with  Affinitybox.  In  2024,   benefit from this product. Furthermore,
        ‘Digitalization is strongly felt’  we will integrate the Healtbox product,   one of the most significant changes
                                           providing end-to-end digitalization in   we  have  made  in  our  product  is  the
        Dr. E. Baturalp Pamukçu, emphasizing  health insurance, into our company   inclusion of check-up coverage as a
        that the insurance sector is a field  system.  Through  the  automation   standard service without any additional
        with diverse predictions for the future,  brought by this product, we aim to   premium,  which  was  previously
        stated that the studies are always  gain efficiency in workforce, improve   optional. We now offer this service
        conducted based on data-focused  operational    speed,  achieve  cost  as a standard benefit. Lastly, we have
        applications. He said, “The biggest   advantages,  and  enhance  customer   expanded the dental treatment coverage
        advantage  of  digitalization,  especially  satisfaction.” .           that  we  currently  provide  across  all
        for the insurance sector, is the ability                               our plans. We also offer customers
        to make accurate predictions for  It will be a year where we will focus   options that suit their budgets. We have
        the behaviors and preferences of  more on specific products.           diversified our Supplementary Health
        insurance candidates. This allows for                                  Insurance product by offering the
        the correct identification of needs by  Dr.  E.  Baturalp  Pamukçu,  providing   ability to have individual policies for
        insured individuals, who are the main  information  about  the  product  children in specific age groups, as well
        actors in the concept of ‘insurance,’   strategies  for  2024,  stated,  “We  aim   as introducing 2-10 coverage plans for
        and the proper use of a product range  to maintain our position in Motor   inpatient treatment only, inpatient +
        that meets those needs.’ Insurance  Insurance and Supplementary Health   outpatient treatment, and additionally
        companies are still providing services in  Insurance. In 2024, by offering our   providing  different  network  options
        the current period with an operational  motor insurance at competitive prices,   for both of our products to offer more
        and intensive working approach.    we aspire to be among the top choices   economical alternatives. In this way, we
                                           for our customers.  With these changes,   have created a comprehensive product
        The execution of such operational  we aimed to appeal to a broader     that addresses all needs. In 2024, with
        activities, especially manually, always  audience.                     our product structure in Supplementary
        indicates the risks we face. Particularly,                             Health Insurance, we aim to serve more
        the effects of digital transformation  While coverages and assistance services   people.”
        are  strongly  felt  in  the  industry,  vary in our segmented auto insurance
        especially after the pandemic. We can  product, we aim to increase the comfort   In 2024, emphasizing growth in
        say that the Turkish insurance sector  of our product by providing economic   the  engineering  and  transportation
        is one of the sectors that values digital  advantages through our competitive   insurance sectors in terms of products,
        transformation the most and invests the  pricing. In 2024, we will continue to   Dr.  E.  Baturalp  Pamukçu  added  that
        most in this regard. We, as a company,  shape our strategy in this direction for   they aim to create a preferred structure
        implemented  significant  projects  in  this product. For TSS (Supplementary   among  customers  with  different
        2023 within this framework. Customer  Health  Insurance),  we  achieved  an   alternatives they will offer in these
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