Page 13 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 13


     Exclusive Interview: “We will carry out an

     intensive effort to reposition insurance.”

     President of the Insurance Association of Turkey, Uğur Gülen: “The efforts
     to strengthen our sector financially, especially before the potential Marmara
     earthquake, are our top priority.”

     First of all, congratulations on your new position. What would  On  the  other  hand,  the  new  insurance  contracts  standard  IFRS
     you like to say about the new era that started with your presi-  17,  developed  by  the  International  Accounting  Standards  Board
     dency at TSB?                                            (IASB) to make the sector more transparent and comparable, will
                                                              be a priority on the agenda.
     Our industry, consisting of intermediaries, domestic and foreign re-
     insurers, claims adjusters, lawyers, loss adjusters, regulatory au-  With the implementation of IFRS 17, which will come into effect
     thorities, customers, and domestic and foreign partners, forms the  on January 1, 2024, the aim is not only to make the financial state-
     central pillar and the core of a massive ecosystem. Therefore, en-  ments of insurance companies more transparent and comparable
     suring the sustainability of our industry and allowing it to receive  but also to obtain more information about profit generation meth-
     the value and share it deserves from this ecosystem in return for its  ods, asset and liability compositions through the upcoming new
     contributions is of vital importance. The goal of TSB is to influence  footnotes. With IFRS 17, not only finance and related project em-
     all stakeholders by generating policies, solutions, and recommenda-  ployees but also all company employees involved with internal sys-
     tions for the insurance ecosystem, and to establish a collaborative  tems, data, and processes will be affected. Hence, companies that
     structure with industry players through agile business principles to  started early preparations, including those facing various obstacles
     ensure the implementation of these initiatives.          and challenges in the process, still encounter difficulties. However,
                                                              despite all these obstacles and challenges, the transition to IFRS 17
     Actually, it is precisely to secure this. Therefore, as an organization,  will result in insurance companies achieving compliance with local
     we will conduct intensive work to redefine the insurance industry.  requirements while also obtaining consistency, comparability, and
     The efforts to strengthen our sector financially, especially before  transparency across financial statements.
     the potential Marmara earthquake, are our top priority. Efforts by
     our industry regarding the need for capacity expansion are ongoing.  Parallel to IFRS 17, we expect regulations from the Insurance and
                                                              Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency (SEDDK) re-
     Moreover, the establishment of the Complementary Pension Sys-  garding capital adequacy calculations. An adaptation of Solvency II
     tem, as announced in the Medium-Term Program in September, is  regulations to the conditions in our country will ensure the calcula-
     among our top priorities within our Association.         tion of capital adequacy according to rules that have global validity
                                                              for our companies. Current calculation methods are not responsive
     What new developments can we expect in the field of insurance  to the needs of today. Inflation adjustment is another issue on the
     in 2024? In your opinion, what areas in insurance are expected  agenda for our companies in 2024. Companies are required to sub-
     to change and transform?                                 ject their financial statements to inflation adjustment according to
                                                              the Tax Procedure Law if the increase in the price index exceeds (1)
     Especially after the earthquake on February 6th, the importance of  100% in the last three financial periods, including the current pe-
     urban transformation has once again been understood. In this con-  riod, and (2) 10% in the current financial period. In environments
     text, urban transformation has been included in the Medium-Term  with high inflation rates, conducting inflation adjustments is crucial
     Plan, and we expect both Construction Inspection Insurance and  for reflecting the true state of companies' financial statements. This
     Building Completion Insurance to be important agenda items in the  way, financial results can be analyzed more accurately, and future
     coming period. Additionally, the development and widespread adop-  strategies can be formulated in a more secure manner in line with
     tion of a "Disaster Insurance" covering all disaster risks are also  this information. Considering that inflation adjustment was last ap-
     among the agenda topics for this period.                 plied in our country in 2003, it brings to the forefront the issue
                                                              that our teams do not have sufficient experience in this regard. Our
     Regarding the healthcare sector; in this period where digitization  expectation is that the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing
     is rapidly increasing, it is evident that health service providers will  Standards Authority will publish inflation accounting implementa-
     give more emphasis to telehealth services, which have become more  tion guides, taking into account the unique financial structures of
     prominent with the Covid-19 pandemic, and the demand will also  our insurance companies in these guides.
     increase. Insurance companies are also continuing their initiatives
     and efforts in this field.                               How will inflation adjustment affect our companies?

     With digitization, cybersecurity insurance is gaining increasing im-  When companies prepare inflation-adjusted financial statements,
     portance alongside health insurance. It is undeniable that not only  they will be affected by inflation based on their net monetary posi-
     individuals but also commercial enterprises need protection against  tions. In companies with asset net monetary positions, losses/infla-
     cyber attacks for business continuity.                   tion losses due to inflation will be observed, while in companies with
                                                              liability net monetary positions, gains/inflation gains will be seen.
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