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P. 9


       Hepiyi Sigorta Visits Anıtkabir on the 100  Anniversary of the Republic

       Employees  of  Hepiyi  Sigorta    visited  Anıtkabir  to  carnations were laid at the mausoleum of the founder
       commemorate the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal  of the Republic, the Great Leader Atatürk.  The visit
       Atatürk on the occasion of the 100  anniversary of the  to Anıtkabir concluded with Begüm Doğan Faralyalı,
       Republic, as part of a special organization organized  the  Chairperson  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  Doğan
       by Doğan Holding.                                Holding, laying a wreath at the mausoleum and writing
                                                        in the Anıtkabir Special Guestbook.
       In  this meaningful event attended  by  all companies
       under Doğan Holding, after walking the Lions Road,  The  Opening  of  the  New  Office  in  Ankara  Took

                                                        Hepiyi Sigorta, one of the young and dynamic
                                                        companies in the insurance sector, inaugurated its new
                                                        disaster  management  center  in  Ankara  following  the
                                                        visit to Atatürk’s spiritual resting place.

                                                        Opened with the aim of coordinating crisis management
                                                        after a potential earthquake in Istanbul and effectively
                                                        managing damage processes to provide uninterrupted
                                                        service  to  customers and  agents, the  office  is
                                                        implemented as part of Hepiyi Sigorta’s comprehensive
                                                        disaster strategy.

       Changes Made in Mandatory Earthquake Insurance Tariff

       The coverage amounts for mandatory  In this regard, the coverage of policies
       earthquake insurance, one of the most  with  an  effective  date  on  or  after
       robust financial measures against  January  1,  2024,  will  increase  each
       earthquakes,  have  been updated  month in line with the inflation rate.
       for residential properties. With  This is intended to ensure that our
       this update, the aim is to increase  policyholders’ coverage remains up-
       the coverage amounts provided by  to-date. Existing policyholders can
       mandatory earthquake insurance,  also double their coverage and provide
       support policy renewals, and provide  greater protection against a potential
       stronger  financial  security  for  earthquake by taking advantage of
       individuals in the system.       inflation protection. To do this, it is
       With the changes made in the  sufficient for  them to apply to their
       Mandatory Earthquake Insurance  agents, bank branches, or insurance   Earthquake,  will  provide  coverage
       Tariff:                          companies, making a very low-cost   for all natural disasters, including
       • The unit square meter rate, based on  additional  premium  payment  for   floods, in the second half of the
       the insurance amount of 3,016 TRY  policy amendments. On this occasion,   upcoming  year.  As  DASK,  our  goal
       for reinforced concrete structures, has  we are calling upon our fellow citizens   is 100% coverage. In this direction,
       been increased to 6,000 TRY.     without  policies  to  obtain  DASK   we are working tirelessly and making
                                        insurance, and for those who already   efforts to emphasize the importance
       • The unit square meter rate, based  have policies, we encourage them to   of insurance to our citizens on every
       on the insurance amount of 2,080  update their policy coverage. In fact,   occasion.
       TRY  for  other  structures,  has  been  let this be the first task for all of us
       increased to 4,000 TRY.          in the new year. Unfortunately, there   Therefore, in 2024, we invite all our
                                        is no way to compensate for the lives   citizens to secure their homes under
       • The maximum coverage amount for  lost  following  the  Kahramanmaraş   DASK coverage, renew their expired
       a dwelling, which was 640,000 TRY,  Earthquake, but thanks to insurance,   policies, and update their coverage for
       has been raised to 1,272,000 TRY.  it became possible to somewhat   stronger financial security.
       In addition, for the first time,  recover our financial losses.
       • inflation protection has been added                             Best regards,
       to the coverage of new policies issued  DASK, which paid out 35 billion TRY in   Natural Disaster Insurance Institution
       after January 1, 2024.           compensation for the Kahramanmaraş
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