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        The ITEA-Treat Project, in which Anadolu Sigorta is a project partner, has been approved
        by TÜBİTAK

        As the industry’s first and only company  Sigorta’s first project to be supported as
        with an R&D Center certificate, Anadolu  part of European Union collaborative
        Sigorta continues to shape the future  projects.  The  ITEA-Treat  Project  aims
        of the insurance world with innovative  to enhance patient self-effectiveness
        projects.  With  the  ITEA-Treat  Project  in  managing  non-communicable
        approved  by  TÜBİTAK  and  conducted   diseases  through  artificial  intelligence
        through international collaborations,  recommendations  and to develop next-
        Anadolu  Sigorta  will  enhance  patient  generation wearable technologies and
        self-effectiveness in managing non-  software-based solutions. Within the
        communicable diseases with artificial  scope  of  the  TREAT  Project,  which
        intelligence  recommendations.  The  reflects the company’s innovation and
        project will also involve the development  leadership  philosophy,  Anadolu  Sigorta
        of next-generation wearable technologies  takes on international leadership in the
        and software-based solutions. For over  ‘Development  of  Artificial  Intelligence
        a  year,  Anadolu  Sigorta,  the  industry’s  Technologies in the Health Sector’ work
        first  and  only  company  with  an  R&D  package. Anadolu Sigorta Deputy General
        center certificate, continues to pioneer  Manager Korhan Kuyu mentioned that  most  innovative  projects  implemented
        the development of insurance. The ITEA-  they have contributed to the Research and  in our R&D Center. With the In-House
        Treat Project, in which Anadolu Sigorta  Development  Center  with  13  academic  R&D  Center  certificate  granted  by  the
        is a participant and project partner,  presentations,  13  academic  articles,  7  Ministry of Industry and Technology
        has  been  approved  by  TÜBİTAK  under  awards,  10  completed  R&D  projects,  of the Republic of Turkey, a first in the
        the  “TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB  1509-2023  pre-approved 6 EU projects, 1 ongoing  industry, we are advancing our sector
        International  Industry  R&D  Projects  TÜBİTAK  project,  and  3  university-  by providing innovative products and
        Support  Program.”  Starting  in  2023  industry collaborations. Kuyu stated,  services. The innovations our project will
        and carried out in collaboration with  “The  ITEA-Treat  Project,  in  which  we  bring to our country and the insurance
        LiveWell, E-Kalite, and ARD Group, the  are a participant and project partner,  field are a source of excitement and pride
        ITEA-Treat Project stands out as Anadolu  is a source of pride for us as one of the  for us.”

        Support for Sustainable Initiatives from Aksigorta

                                                             support has been provided to the Captanomy initiative, which
                                                             helps companies measure and reduce their carbon emissions,
                                                             scores their sustainability performance, and connects them
                                                             with banks and insurance companies to obtain advantageous
                                                             products and solutions. In the field of mobility, a lifeline was
                                                             provided to the Newky initiative, which transforms the user’s
                                                             mobile phone into a secure digital key by using biometric data
                                                             through its patented IoT device and application. It matches
                                                             and grants access permission to vehicles, doors, devices, and
                                                             files. Each of the two companies received a grant support of
                                                             150,000 TL, totaling 300,000 TL.

                                                             Mentoring support from employees to entrepreneurs
        Aksigorta  provided  grant  support  to  Easy  Captanomy  and
        Newky initiatives at the Big Bang Start-up Challenge event,  Stressing the importance of supporting initiatives that
        where the best of the initiatives supported by İTÜ Çekirdek,  generate next-generation solutions through the partnerships
        Incubation  Center  of  İTÜ  ARI  Teknokent  every  year  are  they maintain within the program, Aksigorta’s Strategy and
        determined.                                          Individual Bancassurance Director, Elif Horasan, mentioned:
                                                             “As  an  organization,  we  provide  grant  support  to  startup
        Aksigorta,  developing  its  products  and  services  with  a  new  initiatives every year, and this support does not stay limited
        generation insurance understanding, added another support to  to just this stage. We collaborate with these initiatives at
        the initiatives as the Golden Sponsor of the traditional ITU  Aksigorta, providing them with mentorship support, and they
        Çekirdek  InsurTech  Program.  Aksigorta,  which  provides  a  become important business partners for us. As part of our goal
        lifeline to successful initiatives with innovative business ideas  to create a sectoral ecosystem in this field, we will continue to
        every year, supported sustainability, automotive, and mobility  support the commercialization of initiatives and the creation
        within this framework. In the field of sustainability, grant  of global success stories.”
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