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       BNP Paribas Cardif, in commemoration of the 100  anniversary of our Republic, is
       planting 5,000 saplings through TEMA Foundation

       Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year,  With the “Kredi Kartı Koruma Hayat
       BNP  Paribas  Cardif  is  donating  5,000  Sigortası” (Credit Card Protection Life
       trees  in  commemoration  of  the  100th  Insurance)  credit  card  debts  are  se-
       anniversary of our Republic on behalf of  cured!
       customers who have purchased “Kredi
       Kartı  Koruma  Hayat  Sigortası”  (Credit  BNP  Paribas  Cardif,  in  collaboration
       Card Protection Life Insurance)      with Türk Ekonomi Bankası A.Ş. (TEB),
                                            ensures the credit card debts of individual
       As the insurer of a changing world, BNP  credit cardholders with its new solution
       Paribas  Cardif,  celebrating  its  50th  “Kredi  Kartı  Koruma  Hayat  Sigortası”
       anniversary this year, has added another  (Credit Card Protection Life Insurance).
       social responsibility activity that benefits  Under the insurance coverage, in the event
       the community. Focused on “positive  of the occurrence of risks such as death,
       impact” with every step it takes, the  total or partial permanent disability
       company  has  decided  to  donate  5,000  due to an accident, total and permanent
       trees in memory of the 100th anniversary  disability due to illness, and involuntary
       of  the  founding  of  our  Republic.  BNP  unemployment based on employment
       Paribas Cardif will plant 5,000 trees in  status, as well as temporary incapacity  for  each  credit  card.  Additionally,  they
       the  TEMA  Foundation  Umut  Forest  in  for work due to accident or illness, and  can benefit from extra tax advantages by
       Sivrialan, Sivas, on behalf of customers  daily hospital benefits due to accident or  deducting the premiums they pay from
       who have purchased “Kredi Kartı Koruma  illness, policyholders’ credit card  debts  their taxable income, up to 15% of their
       Hayat Sigortası” (Credit Card Protection  to Türk Ekonomi Bankası are paid in a  monthly gross salary and the annual
       Life Insurance)”                     lump sum of up to 30,000 TL if the risk  amount of the gross minimum wage.
       BNP  Paribas  Cardif,  with  its  signature                              In  the  event  of  the  occurrence  of  the
       on various social responsibility projects  What  are  the  advantages  of  “Kredi  insured risk, the credit card debts are
       that benefit the community, continues to  Kartı Koruma Hayat Sigortası” (Credit  paid to TEB on behalf of the policyholder
       plan projects focused on addressing social  Card Protection Life Insurance)?  within the framework of the conditions
       inequalities, especially for women and                                   specified in the policy.
       children, and environmental protection. In  BNP  Paribas  Cardif’s  “Kredi  Kartı
       addition to its donations for earthquake-  Koruma  Hayat  Sigortası”  (Credit  Card  Who can benefit and how?
       stricken  areas,  BNP  Paribas  Cardif,  Protection Life Insurance) provides an easy
       through  the  “TEV  –  BNP  Paribas  payment option with affordable premiums  Anyone between the ages of 18 and 70,
       Cardif Changing World Scholarship  calculated monthly based on credit card  who is an employee on the private sector
       Fund,” supports the education of  debts for those who want to secure their  payroll of Türk Ekonomi Bankası (TEB)
       university students living in earthquake-  credit card debts. The monthly premiums  and holds a TEB Credit Card, can take
       stricken regions. The company recently  are calculated by multiplying the total  advantage of BNP Paribas Cardif’s new
       collaborated with the Bilim Kahramanları  debt amount (including expenditures and  solution,  “Kredi  Kartı  Koruma  Hayat
       Derneği (Science Heroes Association) to  advanced  installment  payments)  on  the  Sigortası”  (Credit  Card  Protection  Life
       bring science to life for 500 children with  statement date of the credit card used by  Insurance). The insurance period, limited
       the  help  of  nearly  50  volunteers.  BNP  the policyholder, the number of days on the  to 1 year, can be automatically renewed
       Paribas Cardif collaborates with various  statement, and the daily premium rate of  based on the preference at the application
       non-governmental organizations such as  0.03288%. For example, a policyholder  stage.
       Toplum  Gönüllüleri  Vakfı  (Community  with a total debt of 1,000 TL on their last
       Volunteers Foundation), Türkiye Spastik  statement covering 31 days would pay a  Those who want to benefit from “Kredi
       Çocuklar Vakfı (Turkey Spastic Children  monthly premium of 10.19 TL. In another  Kartı  Koruma  Hayat  Sigortası”  (Credit
       Foundation),  Acil  İhtiyaç  Projesi  Vakfı  example, a policyholder with a total debt of  Card  Protection  Life  Insurance)  can
       (Emergency  Needs  Project  Foundation),  5,000 TL on their last statement covering  easily apply by visiting the nearest Türk
       TURMEPA, and others. The company has  28  days would  pay  a  monthly  premium  Ekonomi  Bankası  A.Ş.  (TEB)  branch.
       established the Cardif Social Benefit Club  of 46.03 TL. Policyholders do not make  After  the  application,  the  policies  start
       to regularly reach out to disadvantaged  premium payments in months when there  the day after the issuance of the first
       segments of society, contributing to  is no outstanding credit card debt. If  statement with a total debt balance of 100
       numerous projects aimed at providing  policyholders have multiple TEB credit  TL or more and are valid for 1 year.
       social benefits through this club.   cards, they can obtain coverage separately
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