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        Şişli’s Urban Transformation Starts with Building Completion Insurance!

                                                              Emphasizing that they have defined three titles under the
                                                              program, namely Building Strengthening, Building Renewal,
                                                              and  Regional  Urban  Transformation,  Keskin  continued  his
                                                              words as follows: “In this process we are in; we continue
                                                              to develop the ‘Building Strengthening Insurance’ product
                                                              in  collaboration  with  our  program  partner  Quick  Sigorta.
                                                              Today, we are taking the most significant step in the building
                                                              strengthening program by launching Building Completion
                                                              Insurance with Quick Sigorta and starting the ‘Insured Urban
                                                              Transformation’ process.

                                                              As  for  Building  Renewal,  we  have  entered  into  a  program
                                                              partnership agreement with COVEC, one of China’s most
                                                              important state-owned enterprises and the world’s largest
        Şişli  Municipality  and  Quick  Sigorta  will  set  a  precedent  in  construction company. On this historic day, I would like to
        urban transformation by implementing Building Completion  express my gratitude to Quick Sigorta officials, who added
        Insurance in urban renewal projects in Turkey. KENTHAŞ, a  the concept of ‘Insured Urban Transformation’ to the Şişli
        subsidiary of Şişli Municipality, and Quick Sigorta have signed  Urban  Resilience  Program,  through  Mr.  Ahmet  Yaşar,  the
        a protocol to implement Building Completion Insurance in  Chairman of Maher Holding Insurance Group.”
        urban renewal projects to be carried out in Şişli district.
                                                              In his speech following President Keskin, Ahmet Yaşar, the
        KENTHAŞ and Quick Sigorta have signed an agreement to  President  of  Maher  Holding  Insurance  Group,  pointed  out
        implement Building Completion Insurance in urban renewal  that the journey of building completion insurance in Turkey

        projects  in  Şişli  district.  On  Tuesday,  December  19th,  the  began to be discussed in 2013 and said “It began to find its
        press conference and protocol signing ceremony for the  place in certain regulations that came into effect in 2014.
        ‘Insured  Urban  Transformation  Project’  took  place  at  In  2015,  with  the  publication  of  the  general  conditions,  it
        Wyndham Grand Istanbul. The event saw the participation of  found its place in insurance regulations, and in 2018, it came
        Şişli Municipality Mayor Muammer Keskin, Maher Holding  to life with Quick Sigorta offering the ‘Building Completion
        Insurance Group Chairman Ahmet Yaşar, KENTHAŞ General  Insurance’ product to the market. However, from that day
        Manager Özcan Biçer, Quick Sigorta General Manager Eyüp  until today, we haven’t actually realized a fully-fledged
        Özsoy, along with Şişli Municipality Council members, and  project. Yes, some individual projects were carried out, but
        representatives from the insurance and real estate sectors.  with the vision and foresight of the scale we are launching
                                                              today, this project is being realized for the first time. Just
        In  his  speech  at  the  signing  ceremony,  Şişli  Municipality  when we had completely lost hope, Mayor Muammer and Mr.
        Mayor Muammer Keskin pointed out that they have started  Özcan took steps that truly inspired us.”
        risk analysis studies to examine the building stock throughout
        the district. He mentioned that they have prepared an  Yaşar continued his words as follows: “Because our country
        Urban  Transformation  Strategy  Plan  and,  in  this  context,  is truly an earthquake-prone country, we face the risk of
        conducted  a  building  analysis  of  the  district.  All  the  data  earthquakes, and earthquakes do not let us forget themselves.
        has been transferred to the ‘Disaster Portal,’ where it can be  Just two days ago, the earthquake reminded us again.
        thoroughly examined.                                  Many of us felt it deeply. We began to relive some traumas.
                                                              Now,  in  the  earthquakes  on  February  6,  the  great  disaster
          Keskin also mentioned that they have created a 3D digital  we experienced in Kahramanmaraş, Antakya, and 11 other
        twin  of  the  entire  Şişli,  providing  an  important  foundation  provinces actually faced our country with an economic damage
        for more accurate calculations. He emphasized that they have  of  100  billion  dollars.  It’s  not  just  the  victims  who  lived  in
        prepared a disaster plan in collaboration with the Disaster  these houses, the lives we lost; in fact, the amount spent to heal
        Coordination  Center  (AKOM)  and  the  Transportation  the wounds of the earthquake in this year’s budget is 1 trillion
        Planning Department affiliated with the Istanbul Metropolitan  lira. This  will continue  in the  future  as well.  Therefore,  the
        Municipality (IBB).                                   100 billion dollars, for no apparent reason, will be spent on
                                                              healing the wounds of the earthquake instead of contributing
        Indicating  the  establishment  of  Şişli  Municipality  Disaster  to the development of our country. However, within this 100
        Management Directorate to coordinate these efforts, Keskin  billion dollars, the insured damage is around 5 billion dollars.
        mentioned “In the framework of collective wisdom, we have  In other words, the Turkish Insurance Sector quickly did its
        created the experiential capacity to solve this challenging  part, fulfilled its duty. It covered a 5 billion dollar loss and
        problem. In this regard, we have called on experienced and  replaced it. Of course, we cannot bring back lives, but we can
        strong entities from the public, private, and civil society  compensate for economic losses. Unfortunately, we can only do
        sectors to actively participate in this process. As a result of  this within the scope of the duty assigned to us. There was a 5
        this process, we have recorded Şişli Resilience Program as  billion dollar insurance, and we were able to realize 5 billion
        the first resilience program written by a district in Turkey’s  dollars  in  compensation,  whereas  we  could  have  paid  100
        history.”                                             billion dollars.”
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