Page 3 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 3

Dear Readers,

        For the January issue of Turkinsurance, we have prepared an  thousand people, while the number of participants included in
        issue full of news, articles, analyses and researches to shed  the system through automatic participation turned out to be
        light on Turkish insurance and pension markets.      9 million 324 thousand people. During this period, the total
                                                             fund size of the BES was 625 billion 517 million TL, and the
        The year 2023, despite starting off energetically with the  amount of funds received from participants included in the
        fading impact of the pandemic on our lives, brought about  system through automatic participation was 49 billion 972
        distressing processes with the destructive effects of natural  million TL.
        disasters throughout the year. Additionally, it was a dynamic
        year marked by numerous new regulations and plans. There  In the third quarter of the year, the total premium production
        is very little time left for the insurance industry, which con-  in the insurance sector increased by 123% compared to the
        tinues its activities with the goal of providing assurance in  same period of the previous year, reaching 328 billion 210
        times of need, to leave 2023 behind. Despite adversities, the  million Turkish Liras. During this period, liability and vehicle
        industry, which continues to grow, plans to focus on new in-  insurance played a prominent role in premium production,
        itiatives in the coming year. Global dynamics in insurance  with the most significant increase in premium production ob-
        will also focus on important issues in the new year. Digital  served in the accident and health insurance branches.
        developments are taking the lead.
                                                             Hope to meet with the next issue
        At the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, the total number of
        participants in the Private Pension System was 8 million 673  Your sincerely
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