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        The advantages of Complementary Health Insurance are now more widely known by

         Dr.  E.  Baturalp  Pamukçu,  General  Nippon Sigorta Standart TSS.’
         Manager  of  Türk  Nippon  Sigorta,
         stated  that  the  advantages  of  In  our  ‘Sağlığınız  Bizde’  product,  a
         complementary health insurance are  policy can be issued  for anyone with
         now more widely known in the market.  SGK registration, including those up to
         He pointed out that the number of  the age of 80. Anyone who is covered
         policies in this sector is continuously  by SGK and has the right to benefit
         increasing, adding, “This indicates that  from SGK health services can benefit
         the demand for complementary health  from this product. Additionally, in this
         insurance is growing every day.”   product, any health treatment expenses
                                            related to complaints or diseases
         Türk Nippon Sigorta General Manager  existing before the policy’s start date
         Dr.  E.  Baturalp  Pamukçu,  stating  are covered. Inpatient treatments are
         that  they  are  making  steady  progress  paid 100% within the scope of the
         towards their growth targets in health  policy’s special and general conditions.
         insurance, emphasized that this sector  For outpatient treatments, up to 8
         is of great importance to agents as well.  doctor visits per year and related
                                            coverage are provided by the policy.”  policy allows one free consultation
         He mentioned that they continuously  Pamukçu  also  provided  details  about   with a dietitian once a year. Our
         support their agents’ growth in the health  the  “Türk  Nippon  Sigorta  Standart   policyholders can also receive free
         sector through ongoing campaigns and  TSS”  product,  stating:  “Anyone  with   psychological support once a year.
         training,  and  continued:  “As  Türk  SGK registration up to the age of   Furthermore, the product offers a free
         Nippon Sigorta, we are launching  70 can benefit from Complementary    annual check-up service.”

         many  campaigns  to  keep  our  agents’  Health Insurance. With this product,
         motivation high and provide them with  policyholders do not pay any additional   Pamukçu,  adding  that  complementary
         additional earnings. With our recent  fees at institutions that are contracted   health insurance has become an
         ‘Rotamız  Karadağ’  campaign  and  the  with both SGK and Türk Nippon Sigorta.   increasingly  preferred  product  due
         TSS Cyprus campaign running until  The product covers both outpatient   to  the  advantages  it  provides,  stated:
         the end of 2024, we continue to engage  and inpatient treatments. In inpatient   “The  advantages  of  complementary
         with our agents. In our campaigns, we  treatment, the coverage includes   health insurance are now widely
         also aim to help our agents maintain  surgical and internal hospitalizations,   known  by  the  public.  We  are  seeing
         portfolio balance. The products we  intensive  care   expenses,  and   a periodic increase  in  the number of
         offer in the health sector stand out   chemotherapy,  radiotherapy,  and  individuals holding complementary
         in these campaigns. Additionally, we   dialysis treatment services, regardless   health insurance policies over the
         regularly provide training to our agents  of the hospitalization. For outpatient   years. This clearly shows that the
         on health insurance. We inform them in  treatments, the product offers options   demand for complementary health
         detail about our products and support  for 10 or 2 doctor visits per year.”  insurance is growing every day and that
         them in becoming more equipped in this                                 it provides significant benefits to many
         field.”                            Free Psychological Counseling, Den-  policyholders based on their needs.”
                                            tal Check-Up, And Dietitian Services
         Pamukçu,  stating  that  Türk  Nippon                                  Pamukçu  also  stated  that  they  will
         Sigorta offers two different products  Pamukçu, providing information about   continue to be an active player in the
         in the field of complementary health  Türk Nippon Sigorta’s Complementary   health  sector  in  2025,  focusing  more
         insurance,  said,  “We  are  present  in  Health  Insurance,  stated:  “With  this   on  the  sale  of  products  in  this  field.
         the  market  with  our  complementary  product, policyholders can benefit from   He added that in 2025, they aim to
         health  insurance  product  ‘Sağlığınız  a dental savings plan, which includes   increase cross-selling opportunities,
         Bizde,’  developed  in  collaboration  one free dental check-up per year, one   meet the expectations of policyholders,
         with  Medical  Park,  and  our  standard  filling,  scaling,  dental  X-rays,  and  19   and maintain a balanced portfolio in
         complementary health insurance, ‘Türk  other  procedures.  Additionally,  this   production.
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