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Allianz Turkey Launches Special Auto Insurance for Porsche Vehicle Owners
With the new collaboration between of their journey. In the event of vehicle
Allianz Turkey and Porsche Turkey, the damage, a guarantee is provided for
first branded auto insurance product, P repairs using original parts at authorized
Kasko, has been launched for Porsche Porsche service centers, with full payment
vehicle owners. As Allianz Turkey expands coverage. Additionally, during this process,
its partnerships within the scope of its vehicle owners can benefit from priority
auto insurance products, it has added access to Porsche brand replacement
another service to the after-sales services vehicle services, allowing them to continue
it offers to Porsche vehicle owners. The enjoying a seamless and comfortable
first branded auto insurance product for driving experience. Specialized assistance
Porsche, P Kasko, was developed and services for electric vehicle models are also
introduced with Allianz’s assurance. With offered, including support for towing the
the P Kasko product, specially designed for vehicle to the nearest charging station in
the brand in collaboration between Allianz case the battery runs out. With the mobile
Turkey and Porsche Turkey, Porsche charging service implemented in Istanbul, from no-claims discounts ranging from
vehicle owners are guaranteed damage Ankara, and Izmir, charging support is 30% to 65% if they do not make a claim
repair at authorized service centers in line provided to ensure that the vehicle can during the policy period. The no-claims
with brand standards, along with many reach the nearest charging station in case discount is not affected even if the insured
other exclusive benefits. the battery level drops to critical levels. person is found to be 100% faultless in the
event of an accident. Additionally, in the
With the P Kasko collaboration, Allianz The P Kasko product, which can be case of windshield damage, the no-claims
Turkey aims to accompany Porsche expanded with additional coverage options, discount continues once a year.
vehicle owners throughout every moment allows Porsche vehicle owners to benefit
Unico Sigorta Takes Its First Step Towards a Healthy Future
expand the range by offering customers alternatives with two
different plans and three separate limit options, providing
solutions tailored to various needs. “Kritik Hastalıklar
Sigortası” (Critical Illness Insurance) also offers additional
services to policyholders, including online psychological
counseling and dietitian support packages, oncology support
packages, and Cuban oncology support packages, among
other assistance services.
Unico Sigorta General Manager Ender Güzeler made the
following statement on the matter: “As Unico Sigorta, we
have completed our strategic planning for entering the health
insurance sector, which we have been focusing on for some
Continuing to take innovative steps in the insurance sector, time, and have outlined our roadmap. In this context, we are
Unico Sigorta introduced its “Kritik Hastalıklar Sigortası” starting our journey in the field of health insurance with Kritik
(Critical Illness Insurance) products to customers in the Hastalıklar Sigortası (Critical Illness Insurance). In 2025,
early days of 2025. As Unico Sigorta’s first initiative in we will also activate our supplementary health insurance
health insurance, the Critical Illness products aim to ease the products, further strengthening our portfolio.
financial burdens individuals may face while battling illnesses
covered by the policy and to provide various support services With our new products, we aim not only to cover the treatment
they might need throughout the process. expenses of our customers’ unexpected illnesses but also to
provide additional services for our policyholders diagnosed
Unico Sigorta has announced its new “Kritik Hastalıklar with cancer through the Küba Onkoloji Destek Hizmeti (Cuban
Sigortası” (Critical Illness Insurance) products, marking the Oncology Support Service). Along with financial coverage,
first step in its efforts to offer effective solutions in the field we will offer numerous complimentary services, including
of health insurance. Designed for individuals aged 18-60, preparing and submitting all necessary documents, hospital
the product aims to provide comprehensive financial support arrangements, welcome services upon arrival in Cuba, and
against critical illnesses covered under the policy, standing guidance throughout the trip. Additionally, we will cover
by its customers during their fight against these conditions airfare and accommodation expenses. As in other fields,
and establishing a strong sense of security. The new products we will continue to offer innovative and customer-focused
solutions at every step in Health Insurance as well.”