Page 6 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 6

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         AXA Türkiye held its Provincial Champions Meeting in Istanbul

        AXA Türkiye met with its successful agents from all over the
        country in Istanbul. The company, which has been a leader in the
        insurance sector in Turkey for over 130 years, continues to take
        important steps toward the future of insurance by celebrating the
        achievements of its agents.  Aiming to offer innovative solutions
        to the insurance industry, AXA Türkiye continues to support
        its more than 4,000 agents through regional visits, training
        programs, and technological innovations carried out throughout
        the year. In the meeting where AXA Türkiye hosted 73 of its
        agents  who  earned  a  place  in  the  “Provincial  Champions”
        club based on their 2023 performance, the company’s strong
        connections with its agents were further strengthened. During
        the  Provincial  Champions  Meeting,  AXA  Türkiye  hosted  the
        top-performing agents and their managers, who met the club’s
        criteria, at a gala dinner held at the Hilton Istanbul Bosphorus   of the Provincial Champions meeting, where they gathered
        Hotel.  AXA  Türkiye  Sales,  Corporate  Communications,  and   with  agents,  she  congratulated  those  who  demonstrated  the
        Health  President  Sanem  Çıngay  Buçukoğlu  emphasized  the   best performance in their respective provinces and expressed
        growing importance of agents in the insurance industry and their   confidence that, through their collaborations, they would build
        increasing contribution to the sector. During the gala dinner   the future together.

        MAPFRE Sigorta Exhibition Combining Art and Goodness

                                                              Art Club members who have worked to contribute to equal
                                                              opportunities  in  education.”  Yurtseven,  emphasizing  that
                                                              the  Darüşşafaka  Society  has  been  one  of  Turkey’s  most
                                                              established and respected civil society organizations for over
                                                              160 years, providing a “haven of compassion” for children,
                                                              said, “We are grateful for every step they take for the future
                                                              of our children and our country. MAPFRE Group, with our
                                                              foundation  Fundación  MAPFRE,  has  been  working  for  50
                                                              years to add value to people’s lives, focusing on the well-being
                                                              of society and improving the quality of life. Our foundation
                                                              has been active in Turkey for many years and continues its
                                                              support  for  the  Darüşşafaka  Society  without  interruption.
         A photo and painting exhibition organized by the MAPFRE  As MAPFRE Sigorta, contributing to society, strengthening
         Sigorta Culture and Art Club for MAPFRE Sigorta employees  solidarity, and uniting around common goals has always
         and agents has been opened. All the proceeds from the exhibition  been among our priorities. Through our ‘I am a Volunteer’
         will be donated to the Darüşşafaka Society.MAPFRE Sigorta  movement and clubs, we continue to support these valuable
         continues to support culture and arts while contributing to  initiatives, acting with a sense of social responsibility. We will
         society through social responsibility projects. In this context,  continue to work with all our might to contribute to the future
         a photo and painting exhibition organized by the MAPFRE  of our community.”  MAPFRE Sigorta Sales and Marketing
         Sigorta Culture and Art Club has been opened. The exhibition,  Deputy General Manager and Executive Committee Member
         which is open to MAPFRE Sigorta employees and agents, will  Yıldırım Türe also stated, “Our clubs hold great value for us
         donate all proceeds to the Darüşşafaka Society. During the  as platforms where our colleagues can showcase and develop
         opening of the exhibition, which features photographs taken  their talents, as well as acquire new skills. I am proud to be
         by the Photography Club members and pencil drawings by  a member of our photography club. Capturing moments from
         the Art Club members, MAPFRE Sigorta General Manager  different perspectives and contributing to the future of our
         Erdinç Yurtseven made a speech saying, “Every work created  students with these works is truly meaningful. Next year will
         with  talent,  creativity,  and  effort  will  undoubtedly  create  be a year where we will organize such events more frequently.
         value. If this value serves a meaningful purpose, the effort  We will provide more opportunities for our colleagues to
         becomes even more precious. All proceeds from the sales of  showcase their talents and creativity through our clubs and
         the works in this exhibition will be donated to the Darüşşafaka  will  sign  off  on  more  projects  that  will  increase  societal
         Society. In this regard, I sincerely thank all the Culture and  benefit.”
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