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Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik has solidified its leading position in the digital space with
the gold award it received at the Mastercard PSM Awards 2024
The Number of Sales Made through the Company’s
Digital Channels Increased 2 Times Compared to the
Same Period of the Previous Year
Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik offers 10 different individual
pension and life insurance products, all of which can be
purchased online through the company’s digital channels
in just 5 minutes. By providing a user-centered digital
experience, the company has seen a significant increase
in new sales made through its digital platforms.
Serkan Uğraş Kaygalak, the General Manager of Anadolu
Hayat Emeklilik, commented on the Gold PSM award
they received in the “Digital Transformation” category:
“Our ‘Innovative Strategic Digital Partnerships’ project
Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik won the “Gold PSM” represents our goal to implement innovative business
award in the “Digital Transformation” category at models that align with the dynamics of the industry. Over
the Mastercard PSM Awards 2024. In the ceremony the last two years, through collaborations with platforms
organized by Payment Systems Magazine (PSM), such as Pazarama, İmeceMobil, Monay, Abonesepeti, and
which recognizes innovative products and services in several other seasonal partnerships, we have strengthened
the finance and technology sectors, Anadolu Hayat our position as the industry leader with digital capabilities.
Emeklilik was awarded the gold prize for its “Innovative
Strategic Digital Partnerships” project. Building on the slogan ‘Accessibility Frees’, through our
collaboration with BlindLook, we have integrated voice
The Mastercard PSM Awards 2024 Ceremony, organized simulation technology into our digital channels, making
by Payment Systems Magazine (PSM) to recognize our services even more inclusive.
leading projects in the finance and technology sectors,
took place at the İş Kuleleri Auditorium in Istanbul. The individual retirement and life insurance products we
During the ceremony, Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik earned offer enable individuals to secure their financial future
the “Gold PSM” award in the “Digital Transformation” starting today, which is crucial in people’s lives. By
category. The event, held on December 18, brought implementing these new strategic partnerships, we aim
together prominent representatives from the business to enhance the accessibility of individual retirement and
world. With its award-winning “Innovative Strategic life insurance products in society, further developing the
Digital Partnerships” project, Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik ecosystem we are part of. By crowning our success with
once again highlighted its innovative approach in digital this meaningful award, we have once again proven that
transformation and its leadership position in the sector. we are taking the right steps on this journey. In 2025,
we will continue to maintain our leading position in the
Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik’s “Innovative Strategic industry by establishing innovative partnerships with
Digital Partnerships” project involves promoting and companies from other sectors.
selling individual pension and life insurance products
through the digital platforms of various institutions and First and foremost, I would like to thank PSM Awards
organizations operating outside the individual pension for their support in encouraging innovative projects by
and life insurance sectors. These include e-commerce promoting digital value creation in the digital world under
platforms, insurance/credit marketplaces, and the slogan ‘The Future is Here,’ as well as the esteemed
applications supporting financial well-being. Through members of the Selection Committee who deemed us
strategic partnerships with eight different companies, worthy of this award. I also extend my deepest gratitude
Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik has successfully expanded the to all my colleagues who have made infinite contributions
reach of its products to a wider audience. to our success by introducing new business models to our